According to the planned agreement with the radical Islamic Taliban, US President, Donald Trump wants to leave first, 8600 American soldiers in Afghanistan.

“We will go to 8600 down, and then from there determine how to do it,” said Trump in an Interview on Fox News Radio. For more details, he called. However, he stressed that there must always be a certain amount of American presence in the country, in order to prevent the spread of terrorist threats.

With a view on the talks between the United States and the Taliban, he said, you will draw closer to a conclusion. He could not say whether there will be at the end of an agreement. “I don’t know if it comes to that.”

The United States and the Taliban to talk since July, 2018 on a political solution to the soon 18, years-long conflict in Afghanistan. The Taliban is mainly the withdrawal of US troops. Currently, some 14,000 American soldiers are in the country. The United States, in turn, is mainly on guarantees from the Taliban that Afghanistan is not a haven for terrorists.

The Americans were in the country to witness attacks by Al-Qaeda in the USA on September 11, marched to the Flight. September 2001. Al-Qaeda had its Headquarters in Afghanistan.

Trump made it clear that it is not an Option, the US presence in Afghanistan altogether. “We need to have an eye on Afghanistan,” he said. “We are going to reduce our presence significantly,” said Trump, but stressed at the same time, he will not make the mistakes of the previous US government in Iraq have made with the complete withdrawal of American troops. After the withdrawal of the Americans from Iraq, had spread the terror organization IS there. Also with regard to Afghanistan, there are fears that terrorists could get back on their feet, when international troops leave the country.

The influential Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, the great close and good access to the President, had Trump not been called on Sunday to reduce the troop presence in Afghanistan to less than 8600. Otherwise, threatened disastrous consequences. It is not necessary to ensure that a deduction will lead to the rise of the IS or Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The US soldiers in the country to be a protection against it to a further 11. September come.

Trump has long pursued the goal of reducing the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, as well as in other international operations. He followed generally the course – and this has promised to his followers, as many of the US soldiers home back, and to end the U.S. role as “world policeman”.

the approach of the Americans, the military Leitnation in Afghanistan, is in this issue but also, and especially, for international partners who have also sent soldiers to the Hindu Kush. Germany leads with more than 1,250 soldiers in the largest deployment abroad of the Bundeswehr.

The talks, between the United States and the Taliban should lead in intra-Afghan peace talks. So far, the Taliban had refused to talk with the government in Kabul, which they regard as a “puppet” of the West. Also a theme is.

the spokesperson of The political office of the Taliban, Sohail and the hawk, wrote on Wednesday on Twitter that the talks were nearing a conclusion. We hope to soon have good news to deliver.

Reuters topics in this article, Taliban, Afghanistan, USA, US soldiers, US President, Donald Trump Al-Qaeda in Iraq Fox News New in policy +++ Trump-Ticker +++ Pence instead of Trump Trump’s journey says to Poland, due to hurricane “Dorian” from AFP display star travel worlds, American Football live – journey to the NFL in the USA Sayn-Wittgenstein To the right for the AfD: had to these politicians, the party is already in the involuntary change of government in Italy leave Salvini is (for the moment) out why Conte is now a masterpiece DPA that the UK must bring a No could-Deal-Brexit but CNN be prevented-Interview of the Moderator is stunned: Trump’s spokeswoman claimed that the President had never Defended a lie, By Marc Drewello outrage over Johnson’s plans for “democracy” – hundreds in London, on the road press force, house of Commons, “The head of government has been a military coup against the Parliament. So democracies” DPA analysis of voting in October, those Who want to, who will it be? The candidate for the SPD party chair of the Overview study on the culture of welcome, German immigration to help the economy – and yet you want less of DPA Brexit-armed “outrage to the Constitution”: the wrath of Boris Johnson’s parliamentary closure grows 40 new Levels of Mahjong – free to play! Play the Landtag elections in Saxony and Brandenburg in Triumph to the choice of the power struggle in the AfD is urns dramatically AFP report in the “Washington Post” wall tighten each price: Trump should have allowed subordinates to break laws, accusations of campaign spying, Austria is double: Which party talks for now, “our language”? PD and Five stars in New government in Italy – Conte, will the Prime Minister remain the DPA Vice-President of the regional Parliament Feminist, young and black: Aminata Touré is a Shootigstar of the Green Which party suits me? The Wahl-O-Mat to the Landtag elections in Saxony and Brandenburg, and his Alternative forced break for a Parliament No-Deal-Brexit is getting closer – this trumps the Queen (theoretically) in Front of “Brexit” Johnson Parliament in forced break process in New York send “I hope that he will tell the truth” – Alleged Epstein victim confirmed the allegations against Prince Andrew By Steven Montero’s analysis of the G7 conference Trumps most bizarre statements following the summit meeting in Biarritz By Marc Drewello


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