The president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, announced on Wednesday the capture of one of the wives of the leader of the Islamic State (ISIS), Abubaker al Baghdadi, who was killed during a military operation of the USA in the north of Syria on the 27th of October. “The united states announced that Al-Baghdadi died in a tunnel, you know, have begun a huge campaign of communication with it,” said the governor in a speech to theology students. “We have captured his wife, but we have not made so much noise. This ad for the first time today”.


Turkey announced the capture near the border of a sister of Al-Baghdadi ‘Killed the dog, not just the rage’, by Ramón Lobo

all in all, Erdogan offered no data on when or where it was captured this woman, nor does he give information about his identity. A source from the Turkish Government explained to this newspaper that the details will be made public in the next few days. There are doubts about how many spouses had To Baghdadi. Various local sources and intelligence say that they were two or three, while he also took as wives to some of the women captured by his jihadist organization, which violated without remorse. The secretary of State of the united STATES, Mike Pompeo, said that two spouses of Al-Baghdadi were killed in the operation last October.

on Tuesday, Ankara also reported the capture of one of the sisters of the head of ISIS, Rasmiya Awad, with her husband, their daughter-in-law and five children, in a raid in the town of Azaz, in northwestern Syria. In this case, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which maintains a network of partners on the ground, confirmed the information and details in statements to the agence France Presse. “The three adults are being interrogated and what sonsaquemos will help Turkey and the rest of Europe to protect themselves from the terrorists,” explained an official Turkish quoted by local media.

A day after the death of Al Baghdadi, another sting operation of the u.s. Army killed the spokesman for the group, Abu Hassan al-Muhajir, in the syrian town of Jarablus. Both Azaz as Jarablus are located in territory controlled by the Turkish Army and militias, rebels and islamists allied to Ankara. The last refuge of Al-Baghdadi was located in Barisha, a town five kilometers from the Turkish border, in the syrian province of Idlib, which is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al Sham and other factions linked to Al-Qaeda, in principle, feuding with the ISIS. In the province, the Turkish military maintained 12 observation posts to monitor the ceasefire agreed with Russia.

This fact, as well as that the operation against the head of the Islamic State it did from Iraq, and the involvement of Turkey were minimal, has led to the opponents of Ankara —both within the region and within the own Administration of the united STATES, primarily in the Pentagon— to put in doubt the commitment of Ankara in the fight against terrorism. This same Tuesday, the daily emiratí The National publishes information based on two sources of iraqi security, according to which, one of the brothers of Al-Baghdadi, Juma, he traveled several times to Istanbul from the north-west of Syria to meet with a contact in the metropolis of turkey. His travels were monitored by effective espionage iraqi and american, who apparently did not share his discovery with Turkey.

Ankara, however, retorts that its “anti-terrorism cooperation with other partners cannot be questioned”, in the words of Fahrettin Altun, director of Communication for the Turkish Government. For example, in February, the Turkish authorities handed over to Iraq Ismail Alwan Salman al Ethawi, a top leader of ISIS that they captured in the north-western province Turkish Sakarya. The extracted information to The Ethawi, as well as to a dealer that had helped to escape several relatives of Al Bagdadi, allowed the secret services to iraqis to extract important information that they shared with Washington and helped to locate the hiding place of the leader jihadist.

Turkey has stopped in the last month to 410 suspected of being members of ISIS and 40 have been charged. The Turkish authorities, in addition, make sure that they captured three suspected terrorists who last October 29, they pretended to attempt against the celebrations of Republic Day. But the Turkey was for years a pathway of entry for jihadists traveling towards the so called Caliphate continues to weigh. From 2015 onwards, when the Turkish Government began to fight more vigorously the structure of the ISIS and sealed its border with Syria, suffered the vengeance of the organization of Al Baghdadi, which was carried out twenty attacks on Turkish soil, which killed 315 people.


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