The already for the finals in China a skilled Team of national coach Henrik Rödl lost in Tel Aviv, according to the moderate performance with 77:81 (35:36) against Israel.

With nine Wins from eleven qualification, the selection of the German Basketball Federation play needs to be a success with the strong Greece on Sunday in Bamberg, Germany for the targeted group victory. This would be able to have a better output when the draw for the world Cup in China (31. August to 15. September) mean.

Best launcher for guests Spain-Legionnaires ‘ Andreas fruit and Niels Giffey of ALBA Berlin, each with 16 points. At the time of his Comeback, Paul Zipser showed a strong performance, came up on 15 meters, but had to hit from the floor. For the first time since September of 2016, state of the 25-Year-old again in the national Jersey on the parquet, and a led just fine.

In the first German attack Zipser met his Three-point shot, and was even then self-aware. The former player of the Chicago Bulls stands at the end of his NBA contract and the surviving persistent Fußblessur meanwhile, in Spain, under the contract.

As with the previous two qualification Rödl had to renounce to play again on his NBA actors, such as Schröder and Maxi glue, because the North American professional League paused. Maodo Lo and Danilo Barthel will encounter after the Euroleague for FC Bayern at Real Madrid on Friday in time for the duel with the strong Greeks to the Team.

So, the German team showed an unusual Formation, especially in the defense first, coordination problems, allowed the Israelis to light Basket. “We need to be defensive a little more,” urged Rödl when the score was 26:27 in the middle of the second quarter.

up Front, the Germans met their distance throws, Zipser sank, however, his first three triple Attempts and kept the game open up to you. To the beginning of the third section of the Heidelberg hit back, however, from the field and returned.

In the last section of Israel moved first to eight point lead. Especially fruit introduced the German Team to 77:79, but the 22-Year-old, awarded after a ball loss by the home team the throw for a possible victory.

German team

tables and info for world Cup qualifier

Basketball world Cup in 2019 in China

mode world Cup 2019

information about the world Cup draw


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