Lenggries–A VW Bus crashing head-on into a tree. As the police arrive at the scene, vanished the car. At the same time, the alleged driver, is at home in the hallway with blood smeared face, a broken thigh and 1.9 per Mille of alcohol in the blood. Now the Lenggrieser (21) was convicted of drink-driving to a 1200 Euro fine.

It was not a common case, the juvenile court had to deal with at the district court of Wolfratshausen on Thursday. On 1. December 2017 against 23 p.m. a driver reported a road traffic accident. On the state road 2072 from Wegscheid to Lenggries, a VW into a sharp right curve to the left of the road and frontally against a tree. Because no one was sitting in the car, identified by the police on the basis of the telephone from the witness submitted mark the holder and sent two patrol cars to the crash site and to the residential address. At the scene the officials found only one front headlight of the snow, the Bus was gone. Tyres and grinding marks suggested that the vehicle had been towed by a tractor or the Like.

DNA comparison shows that the blood of the accused in the car

The house of the vehicle owner was already an ambulance in front of the door when the second Patrol arrived. In the hallway verarzteten paramedic the son of the house. His father had heard in the night a rumble, and the Junior lying on the floor found. The blood stained young man had carried out “hardly anything,” said a police officer. “He was completely disoriented.” This condition lasted, as he was taken to the hospital. In the emergency room of the 21-Year-old is said to have asked a uniformed police officer, you may ask “so many questions. Otherwise, it will get the police and take away my driver’s license“. The blood sample showed a 1.9 per thousand.

Five days later, the area was still in the hospital lying Lenggrieser revealed where the car was parked. A police officer cut up in front of the Airbag and a piece of the trim panel of the driver’s door of the accident vehicle. A DNA comparison revealed that the seized blood came from the defendant.

The state’s attorney, the evidence sufficed as proof that the defendant, did not comment on the allegations, drunk that night, the car against the tree was drawn. “To me, a plausible explanation is missing,” said the Prosecutor.

the defenders

leave much open To the defenders, many questions remained unanswered. When was the time of the crime? No one knows it. Even if he drove when he drank? Who moved the car? Even the traces of blood had no proof that his client was actually driven. “It can also be from the passenger seat over to crawling,” said the lawyer. “What we have is not enough for a conviction.”

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The judge Urs Wäckerlin was different. “Matter of fact” could remain “as to the guilt of the accused, no doubt.” Wäckerlin condemned the Lenggrieser to 1200 Euro fine, payable half to the Caritas-addiction counselling, as well as the support Association for youth and social work Geretsried. Up to the 31. August, he can’t drink alcohol. On the driver’s license he will have to do without another ten months. The judgment is not yet final.


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