Biography 11/03/20 What did the Brezhnev before he became Secretary General
the Older generation of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (1906-1982), was remembered as a man with thick eyebrows and not very articulate speech. About him telling jokes, the salt which was mainly in the tenure of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and his gradual fall into insanity.
But so old and feeble Leonid Brezhnev was not always. What was the youth of this man, whose name is linked to an entire era?
Childhood and youth
Leonid Brezhnev was born in 1906 in the village of Kamenka Ekaterinoslav province (now Dnipropetrovsk region). His parents were hereditary workers father was descended from an old family of Kurdish smallholders. Father and mother Brezhnev were born in Kursk province, and then moved to Kamenskoe. However, in documents and various biographies of Leonid Brezhnev and his nationality is indicated in different ways: sometimes Russian, sometimes Ukrainian. Leonid was the oldest child, were born after his brother Jacob and sister Vera. In 1915, Leonid Brezhnev was admitted to the gymnasium in Kamenskoye, from which he graduated in 1921. After graduating from high school Leonid got a job at Kursk oil mill. In 1923 he joined the young Communist League.
the Years of study in College and Institute
Then Leonid decided to continue her education. He entered the Kursk surveying and reclamation technical school, from which he graduated in 1927 qualified as a surveyor 3rd level. Even Leonid Brezhnev worked as a land surveyor – first in the Graivoronsky district of the Kursk province, and then in Tolochin district, Belarus. Then, in 1927, Leonid Brezhnev is married to Victoria Denisova, which happily lived life. Victoria was the perfect hostess and a very decent humble woman. She later recalled that she met her future husband at a dance in a student dormitory. Friend Victoria to dance with the futureto them by the Secretary General refused, and she went, even despite the fact that the gentleman in the dance was a small whale.
a year after the wedding, Leonid Brezhnev was transferred to the Urals, where he began with the post of surveyor, and then became head of district land Department, and then Deputy Chairman Bisertsky of the Executive Committee of the Ural region. He was then appointed Deputy head of Ural regional land management.
In 1930 the family moved from the Urals. Leonid entered Moscow Institute of agricultural engineering, but after a year he transferred to the evening Department of the Dneprodzerzhinsk metallurgical Institute. Simultaneously, he worked as a mechanic at the Dnieper metallurgical plant.
Active life position of the young mechanic could not remain without attention from the management. In 1931, Leonid Brezhnev became a member of the CPSU(b). He graduated from the Institute in 1935 and received a diploma of engineer in thermal power plant.
in the army. The beginning of party career
In 1935, Leonid Brezhnev was drafted into the army. He served in the TRANS – first cadet tank company, then a political Commissar. After completing the course of motorization and mechanization received his first officer rank – Lieutenant.
after Returning from the army in Dneprodzerzhinsk, Leonid Ilich quite quickly began his party career: not having worked for a year as an engineer at the Dnieper metallurgical plant, he was promoted to the post of the Chairman of the Dniprodzerzhynsk city Council. In 1938, he is already at work in the party structures, first head of the Department of the Dnipropetrovsk regional Committee of the Communist party of Ukraine, and a year later he is the third Secretary of the regional Committee.
During the war
When the Great Patriotic war Leonid Brezhnev, as all the party workers, was involved in organizing the mobilization of soldiers in the Red army, the evacuation of the civilian population and industry. He himself, however, the evacuation went, and entered the service of a political Commissar in the army. In 1941 he was Deputy head of the political Directorate of the black sea group of forces of the North Caucasian front and from 1943 until the end of the war – the Deputy chief of the political Department of the southern front.
His first order of the red banner of Brezhnev received in early 1942 for their part in the Barvenkovo-Lozovskaya offensive the operation in the South of the Kharkiv region.
In 1943, Leonid Brezhnev participated in the liberation of Novorossiysk, repeatedly with a marine landing force visited the springboard Small land. It was unsafe, I remember all who were on the Small ground. For the liberation of Novorossiysk Leonid Brezhnev was awarded the order of Patriotic war I degree.
the outbreak of war Lieutenant in October 1942, Brezhnev was certified by the Colonel, and November 2, 1944 he was awarded the rank of major General. Leonid Brezhnev – participant of the Victory Parade on red square June 24, 1945. He as a Commissioner of the composite regiment of the 4th Ukrainian front was the head of the column together with the front commander General Eremenko.
After the war, Brezhnev left the army immediately. He some time served as chief of the political Directorate of the 4th Ukrainian front and the head of the political Directorate of the Carpathian military district.
After the war
Leonid Ilyich was an active participant in the postwar reconstruction of the economy. As the first Secretary of Zaporizhzhya regional Committee of the party, he oversaw the restoration of the plant “Zaporizhstal” and the Dnieper. Much has been done to them and for the recovery of enterprises of Dnepropetrovsk, where he was also appointed first Secretary of the regional Committee.
in 1950, Leonid Brezhnev was appointed first Secretary of the Central Committee of Moldavia. Thus ended the career of Brezhnev-Manager and started his career Brezhnev-policy.
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