Nature 28/10/19 What happened to the climate in Central Russia
In recent decades, the climate on our planet is changing rapidly. Seasons are shifting, and rainfall is not where humanity got used to them and adapted. In the Arctic in June is tridtsatigradusnaya heat, and in Moscow at the same time can be a plus 7-10 degrees, and this temperature has become usual in the first half of winter.
the Hurricanes in Central Russia
Climate change is accompanied by unusual for the interior of the continent disasters which our country has not seen for nearly 100 years. It gusts, severe thunderstorms, hurricanes and even tornadoes. The first of these storms passed in the night from 20 to 21 June 1998. The wind reached 31 m/s, apparently, was a series of tornadoes: it was okay 48000 fallen trees, fallen trees brought down 12 of the teeth of the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. It was damaged more than 2,000 buildings, including the roof suffered the Bolshoi theatre and the Grand Kremlin Palace. Killed according to various estimates from 8 to 11. The meteorologist has received from Moscow mayor Luzhkov severe scolding for what he ignored the unprecedented decrease of the atmospheric pressure and did not warn people about the dangers.
After this incident, the hurricanes in Central Russia have become quite a regular occurrence, and it should be noted that their power is on the rise. Now established alert the population on the line of the meteorologist and emergency situations.
July 13, 2016 and suffered from another barrage. Apparently, he was accompanied by the strongest tornado whose epicenter was in the village Pruna in the West suburbs. There is not just damaged the roof of a small house turned upside down, wooden houses and up to half unrolled, in a number of houses had been torn plastic window. Fortunately, this village was country, empty because of the cold weather. Scary to think how many victims could be, if such a tornado passed through densely populated mastnosti.
still, Russia was “on the outskirts” of these disasters. According to ESSL (European storm lab), in Europe only in 2017 occurred 616 tornado.
In 2015, the year in Paris hosted an international UN conference on climate change, which recorded average temperature increases and adopted a number of decisions on the environment. It was recognised that if not to reduce emissions, by the year 2100 the Earth’s temperature could rise by 3.7 to 4.8°C, irreversible consequences will occur if warming of more than 2°C.
Why is there climate change
There is a concept of the aberration of proximity. This is when people from your household level can not appreciate the scale of what is happening around changes. Climate basically, the thing is unstable, he has changed and will change always, because it depends on solar activity, planetary orbit and the location of the polar glaciers. If in a certain location and climate for several decades does not change, so it still dominates a certain wind rose.
the Cyclical nature of climate change over the historical period, first described by L. N. Gumilev in several of his works. He established a connection between the trajectory of the Atlantic cyclones and climate of a specific region of Eurasia.
Thus was recorded the following climatic combinations:
1. The glacier is at historical highs, freezes the White sea – cyclones pass over arid (steppe) area – average strip of Russia is insufficiently hydrated – the Caspian sea level falls, the Aral sea level rises;
2. The glacier comes to the tundra – cyclones pass over the humid (forest) area in the middle zone of Russia heavy rains and snowfalls, the area zavolakivaya, loses fertility – the level of the Caspian sea increases the level of the Aral lake falls, steppes dry up;
3. The glacier retreats further to the pole – tundra overgrown forest – cyclones pass over the polar region – Central Russia receives optimal conditions for earthDelia – level of the Caspian sea and the Aral sea falls, steppes dry up.
the Situation at present
We are now seeing the third scenario is relatively favorable for our Middle band, but it is necessary to consider also other factors.
In recent decades, the Arctic ice cap is strongly reduced and shifted towards North America, which nature now fills up with snow, and judging from the satellite footage, this is just the beginning of the process. Free of ice of the Russian Arctic, which facilitates the passage of vessels of the Northern sea route: the summer services of an icebreaker are required only in the area of Taimyr. As a result of this shift in Russia’s climate is warming 2.5 times faster than the global average, but it leads to positive consequences. Roshydromet presented an analytical graph of growth of hazardous weather events in Russia from 1998 to 2015: the number has increased about 3 times.
heat wave of 2010 killed at least 56 thousand Russians. Increased the number and extent of forest fires and fires of peat bogs. Outbreaks of infections, expanding their range.
In the middle zone of Russia in the last decades emerged tick-borne encephalitis. The reason being that birds carry ticks, have changed their migration routes.
a Probable forecast for the background of the world situation
Hydrometeorological research center of Russian Federation has developed a forecast for a period of 25 years. The response time of the atmospheric circulation to changes in solar activity there is always a delay from 20 to 30 years. This indicates the fundamental possibility of ultralong-range prediction at a specified time. According to calculations based on this relationship, the period of Caspian sea level rise in 2012-2018 will be replaced by recession in 2018– 2024. That is a glacier in the next two years will increase.
we must continue to expect thermal shocks and natural disasters. If repeated climatic scenario III, X and XVI centuries, it is probable drying out of steppeth zone of Eurasia, crop failures and water supply problems. Central Russia on the contrary, will obtain optimal hydration, but the seasons may vary.
There is nothing surprising in the fact that the intensified volcanic activity: change in pressure of the glacier on the earth’s surface provokes shifts of tectonic plates. Given the progressive strengthening of the glacier in America, and a major transform fault which runs through this continent, our planet can expect a major eruption, and this will lead to emissions of volcanic ash, cosmic winter and a new round of glaciation.
the measures Taken
2017 year was named Russia’s year of ecology. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin said about the current environmental situation:
“Setting quotas on harmful emissions, using others, by their nature, tactical measures, we at some time will remove the problem, but fundamentally can’t fix it. We need a qualitatively different approach. We should talk about the introduction of fundamentally new technologies that do not cause damage to the outside world and exist in harmony with it.”
In Moscow and other major cities moderniziriruyutsya treatment facilities. Manufacturing companies are stimulated to minimize the harmful emissions. On the road displays of electric vehicles, increasing the control over the reduction of transport emissions. Reformed the sector of waste management. Developing eco-tourism. Replenished the Red book, and it now has its own website.
© Russian Seven
Featured articles Share: Comments (1) Comments on the article “What happened to the climate in Central Russia” 30.12.2019 at 19:21 Anatoly Filatov writes:
In the region of the southern Urals, Northern Kazakhstan, Western Siberia is the desertification. Are the glaciers in the headwaters of the rivers disappear and the river flow decreases. Perhaps after the disappearance of the glaciers such rivers as Irtysh, Ob, Yenisei will turn into streams, the region will become a desert as passing over the land the clouds not to shed rain because of the deterioration of the conditions for condensation. This whole nightmare is not natural but man-made. In the region of the vanished Aral Sea, which supplied 30 cubic kilometers of water, evaporating this quantity from the surface.So it is urgent to submit to the Aral sea water from the Irtysh, the Tobol river to a height of 40 metres (12 storeys) in the Turgai deflection in the chain is not deep reservoirs that will not lead to large flooding areas. Installation costs a 5 — to 7-meter-high dams is not large, so to build dams for a couple of years. Benefits — increase productivity, generate electricity.
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