What names in Russia are the descendants of Genghis Khan

History 05/03/20 What names in Russia are the descendants of Genghis Khan

Batu Khan, ravaged the Russian principalities in 1237, was a grandson of Mongol ruler Temujin – better known as Genghis Khan (translated means “Ocean-Han”). On the territory of the Russian Federation was one of the uluses of the Mongol Empire, the Golden Horde, fragments of which existed before the eighteenth century. Live there now in Russia, the descendants of the “conqueror of the Universe” and among some peoples need to look for them?

Genghis Khan of the Golden Horde

the Golden Horde or the Ulus of Jochi (named after the eldest son of Genghis Khan), the power belonged to the genghiskhan’s birthright. At Jochi had 40 sons, so the ruling race were not stopped. However, soon after the founding of the state of the various crooks and schemers began to drive away the legitimate dynasty from the actual Board. One of the most famous usurpers of the throne was the mother, with the troops which the Russians met on the Kulikovo field.

the Descendants of Jochi made up a significant part of the ruling aristocracy and the Tatar khanates that formed after the disintegration of the unified state – the Kazan, Astrakhan, Crimean, and others. A considerable part of Russian noble families of Tatar origin belonged to the genghisides. From the steppe khans were driven primarily by internal turmoil and civil war. And in the XIV century they began to enlist the princes of Moscow.

it is Worth noting that the princes of the Rurik and derived from them Russian aristocrats can be considered a symbolic “Chingizids” because Alexander Nevsky performed the ceremony of brotherhood with the son of Batu, Sartak.

Genghis Khan in Moscow

the Presence of a noble people from among the hordes of service people raised the prestige of the Moscow ruler who was entitled to call himself “king of kings”. For this reason, for example, a vassal Kasimov khanate remained for a long time before 1681. And its ruler Simeon Bekbulatovich under Ivan the terrible one inthe burden is even formally took the title of Grand Prince of All Russia.

However, according to historians, the fate of the descendants of the rulers of the Golden Horde was formed in the new state is worse than that of other immigrants from the East. They saw a dangerous piece of potential contenders for power. In addition, many representatives of the ancient family of lost energy and used that they are paid large salaries just for a title.

a Researcher from Ryazan A. V. Belyakov, counted in XV-XVII centuries 189 representatives of the “Golden generation.” Many of them have initiated sustainable dynasties – for example, prisoners of the sons and grandsons of the Siberian Khan Kuchum. They are known as Siberian riches – to this genus belong, for example, the famous numismatist of the XIX century Alexander Siberian.

Among the “chingisid” names of Russian aristocrats sources also called Maksutovich, Chegodaeva, Balashevich, Dakinah, Chirikov, Aniskovich, Malicevic, Galymovich, Mustafina, Ganibegovic and others. Their ancestors in the pedigrees of books are called “princes”, “sultans” or “apanemi”.

Some of the princes after the 1917 revolution emigrated to the West or in Muslim countries, subsequently returned. Note that not all modern bearers of these names, Genghis Khan. Often, for example, serfs were given the surname of their owner. In addition, some of the names of the Tatar khans, and hence derived the surname was widespread outside of the noble families.

the Crimean Genghis Khan

a Separate branch of the “Golden kind” became numerous Crimean Giray. They were at the helm of state power on the Peninsula until 1783, giving many prominent figures. With the Russian conquest of the Northern Caucasus the Russian administration actively used the Circassian branch of the Giray to influence the local population – representatives of the genus were given high military and civil offices.

Dynasty Gireiev exists today, partially by taking part in public-political life of the Crimea. Live onnor, apart from Russia (Rostov-on-don), also in the UK. One of the descendants of the founded the company Giray Design Company.

Genghis Khan in Kalmykia

Kalmyks who migrated to southern Russian steppes from Central Asia in the XVII century, preserved the traditions of their princes – Kosuth. According to the text stories about Durban-the Oirats, hosty not happen from the Genghis Khan, but his brother Abutu of Hasar.

That says genetics

According to genetics, currently “Chingizids” in one way or another you can consider yourself 16 million people worldwide, mainly in Asia. All of them are carriers of the same subclade the Y-chromosome characteristic of the immediate family of Genghis Khan – this haplogroup is called “с2б1б1”. The representatives of the Russian peoples “chingisid cluster” is smaller than that of the residents of Mongolia and Central Asia. The study gave a positive answer only in Eastern Siberia and the southern Volga region. Among the Buryats the rate is 2.3%, in Tuva – 1,85, Kalmyks – 1,67%. None of 406 investigated representatives of the Russian people genes “Ocean-Khan” was not found.

Kristina Rudich

© Russian Seven

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