Crime 12/02/20 Who in Soviet and Russian prisons have never done tattoo
according to the memoirs of former prisoners to do do in places of deprivation of liberty tattoo on the body or not, depended on the social status of the prisoner, which he had on the outside.
Father and political
the author of the book “Solovki. Communist prison or a place for torture,” major-General, participant of the White movement Ivan Zaitsev on the decision of the OGPU in the second half of the 20’s 3 years spent on the Big Solovetsky island. Subsequently, he managed to pass the state border of the USSR and flee to China. Hares abroad and wrote memoirs about the visit on Solovki. He particularly spoke about the behavior of prisoners of Orthodox clergy who are in the camps have not refused any job if they were not sent to the administration. The prison of the conceptual classification of the priest belonged to the caste of “men”, although themselves with any representatives of the camp hierarchy never identified.
Tattoo the priests did. Most often Orthodox hierarchs explain such indecent act to a true believer, quoting from the old Testament: “… not nakalyvanie on yourselves…”.
But according to the veteran of the interior Ministry of Danzig Baldaev, a famous Soviet and Russian Explorer of the prison folklore and collector of tattoos of convicts, from the Solovki prisoners in the USSR went to “fashion” to shoot yourself with crosses, domes and other religious symbols. The term “black” with regard to the definition of the area where they keep the top of the prison idea, not the administration, as opposed to “red”, “COP”, major League soccer, also came from an Elephant, Solovki special purpose camp: “monks,” they called themselves monks and priests prisoners that other prisoners were treated with great respect.
Priests in 1926, the Elephant was “Solovki Epistle”, in KoThor declared the firmness of their faith and that it is impossible for pastors to convey to others. Fearing loss of ideological control over the prisoners, forbade the Bishop to conduct religious ceremonies and the wearing of pectoral crosses. And then the convicts (not the priests) began to pin the crosses on the body, in solidarity with the priests.
Late in Lipetsk human rights activist mark Goldman, in his words, in the late 50’s-early 60-ies for anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda served in the Mordovian camps for almost 5 years. Goldman in comments to radio “Liberty” (transmission was just on the topic of tattoos prisoners) said that during his stay in the camp among his “peers” convicted on political charges, there was a certain percentage of “a little bit adjacent to the “thieves”, whether to “bitches”. But tattoos among political, according to Goldman, “absolutely not quoted”.
“Thieves” tattoo is not in fashion
well-Known historian of domestic criminal subculture Alexander Sidorov (Fima Giganet) and doctor of legal Sciences, Professor Valery Anisimov in his research wrote that in places of deprivation of liberty voluntarily did not tattoo the inmates belonging to the caste of pariahs down, “goats” (collaborators of the administration of the MLS) and representatives of other colors, tattoos which played a signal role – testified that their owner has a certain status, above which in the prison hierarchy to climb impossible.
Russian human rights activist Yuri Alexandrov, more than ten years worked in the prison system, in his work “Essays on criminal subculture” (2001), writes that in recent years in the Russian prison tattoo deals mainly little sitting youth. More experienced criminals, regardless of belonging to any suit, they either refuse altogether, or put on hidden parts of the body: the tattoo – an extra special sign by which a trained law enforcement officer can easily “aboutto read” criminal biography of the detainee.
Tattoo artist Sergey Chernukha sat in 2013 – 2018 years sat for extortion. Tattoos are actively doing in the area. According to him, 70% of prisoners that are aspiring to decorate, I want the artistic tattoo, and only 30% of thieves tattoos, conceptually defining the status of a prisoner in the MLS.
Nicholas Syromyatnikov
© Russian Seven
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