History 04/03/20 Why the Bolsheviks shot Kolchak without trial
the Death of any human is a tragedy. Especially sad when you lose an outstanding personality. The Civil war deprived Russia of many great generals. It is one thing to die in battle and quite another to be shot without trial, as, for example, Admiral Alexander Kolchak, who before dying did not even read out the verdict.
the Sailor, polar Explorer, Admiral
History does not tolerate subjunctive mood. However, if we assume that Russia has not occurred the October revolution, about Admiral Kolchak we have learned from the encyclopedia of the great polar explorers. He was born Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak in 1874. After graduating from the Naval cadet corps in 1894, his commander in the Pacific fleet. For a little while. Four years later, at the invitation of the famous conqueror of the Arctic, E. V. Roofing Kolchak with him sent to the Arctic expedition. The future Admiral took the role of hydrologist and meteorologist. During the expedition intended to discover the famous land of Sannikov. The fact that it actually exists, explorers do not doubt. The expedition opened new land. One of the Islands was named Kolchak. But, unfortunately, Only from this journey never returned. Subsequently, Kolchak commanded a destroyer at the battle of Port Arthur. Was in Japanese captivity on his return from which he continued polar exploration. During the First world war Kolchak distinguished himself in the clearing of minefields in the Baltic, and was promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral. Soon he was appointed commander of the black sea fleet.
the Supreme ruler of Russia
When did the upheaval of 1917, the country is the Interim government was waiting for the leadership of a strong man who, in the opinion of many, was to be Kolchak. Fearing a rival, Alexander Kerensky, Kolchak was sent to the USA on dVA of the month as a marine technician for advice. When the Admiral after the coming to power of Bolsheviks returning via the far East to Russia, he learned about the peace negotiations of the new government with Germany and regarded this step as a betrayal. Kolchak leaves the service in Russia and moves in the English fleet. However, the British felt that it would be better to lead the anti-Bolshevik forces, and sent it to Russia. At this time the Bolsheviks suffered defeat after defeat. In Omsk was created the Provisional Siberian government. Kolchak becomes his Minister of war. But on November 18, 1918, this government was overthrown by the military, who wanted to establish in the country a military dictatorship and put at the head of A. V. Kolchak. Soon the Admiral was proclaimed Supreme ruler of Russia. As the successes of Kolchak’s army, which, freeing the Urals, moved to the Volga, his power acknowledged other leaders of the White movement.
the Shot
By the autumn of 1919, the Kolchak luck changed. He had to wage war on two fronts, which inevitably led to defeat. On the one hand, he pushed the red and underfoot partisans from among the SRS and various gangs. During the retreat to Irkutsk the Czechs, who constituted the backbone of Kolchak’s army to save their lives, betrayed the Supreme ruler of Russia, giving it into the hands of the Bolsheviks.
Alexander Kolchak was arrested January 15, 1920 in Irkutsk. However, the city was soon surrounded by faithful Admiral part of General Sergei Wojciechowski, requiring them to give Kolchak. Irkutsk provisional revolutionary Committee had asked Moscow on the subject of what to do. Answer Lenin was unequivocal: no information about Kolchak not spread, and when the city is part of the red Army telegraphing that the Admiral did so-and-so because of the danger of the white guard rebellion. In fact it meant killing without a trial. Do not waste time, Chairman gubcheka Chudnovsky presented a resolution on the massacre of Admiral military commandant of Irkutsk The Bursak and ordered to prepare a firing squad from the Communists. When A. V. Kolchak read the resolution about the shooting, he took this news calmly, merely indignant that he was not betrayed by the official court. It Chudnovsky said that it will go the same way as Kolchak’s henchmen did with red commanders. At four o’clock in the morning of 7 February 1920 Kolchak withdrew to the river Ustanovki, a tributary of the Angara. Without the judgement and presentation of any charges, the Supreme ruler of Russia was executed and his corpse was thrown into the hole.
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