Photo: TASS/Dmitri Lovetsky/AP
the wife of the forward of “Zenith” Alexander Kokorin Daria Valitova said in Instagram that the team management sent her husband to play for “Zenit-2” acting in the Second division.
“Today he was told that because he did not intend to pursue a career in “Sochi”, in this context, “Zenit” made a decision before the end of the season to send him to train and play for the “Zenith-2” – wrote Valitova, answering a question of the subscriber.
According to her, for Kokorin decision teams – “a big pain”, but in this situation depends nothing, and all decisions taken by the club management.
In September last year, Kokorin has extended his contract with the Petersburg club. The team failed to claim it for participation in the championship of Russia, and last month Kokorin only train and play in friendlies.
last week, it was announced resignation Kokorina rental in Sochi. The transition was confirmed by the General Director of “Zenith” Alexander Medvedev, however, the agent and the stepfather of the player Kirill Loginov said that Kokorin is not going to go to the Sochi club.
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Welcome to the wild! Rules of conduct for Kokorin and Mamaev on the loose”Excellent dumplings”. Kokorin and Mamaev – about life in the colony