The number of sick-leave due to mental health problems has eight in the last 20 years, more than tripled. This is from a long-term study of the DAK-health. In your “psychological report, 2019” has evaluated the health insurance, the days of absence of your Insured since 1997. The sick leave of employees due to mental illness, achieved, accordingly, in the year 2017, an all-time high.
In the section of 2017, every Insured person was due to mental health problems for 2.5 days at work. Twenty years before, an average of only 0.7 days of sickness per Insured. Until 2018, the number of days of absence was due to psychological Suffering after rising steadily again for the first time.
Mental distress is no longer taboo
DAK-Chairman of the Board Andreas Storm leads the development of a more open dealing with mental health problems: “especially in the doctor-patient interview psychological problems are nowadays no longer taboo.” Therefore, will also be treated in the sick open it. This assessment is shared by the German society for psychiatry and psychotherapy, psychosomatics and neurology (DGPPN). The Left refers to an increase in work stress as the cause.
depression of The seven most common misconceptions about the gloom
Over the period of this DAK-investigation over missing workers most often due to the diagnosis of Depression. Behind this so – called adjustment disorders that occur, for example, after a severe blow on or to drastic changes in life. After that, neuro-come tables and anxiety disorders. “Burn-Out” hardly plays a role. Since 2012, this diagnosis in the disease have to happen significantly in relevance lost, it says.
That the removal of taboos of mental illness have a significant proportion of the increase in sick leave, is not without controversy, said a DGPPN-spokesperson of the German press Agency. “That nowadays openly about mental illness can be spoken, is to be welcomed from the point of view of the DGPPN very to”. The Association calls for more use for the early detection and prevention, because most of the mental illness manifested itself already in the first decades of Life.
“work stress makes you sick”
Jutta Krell man, labour market policy spokeswoman for the left party in the Bundestag, also sees an increase in workload as a cause for the rise in sick leave due to mental health problems. “Work stress makes you sick. Many Workers can sing a sad song about it. This should not be played down,” she said. Krell man called on the Federal government to protect works councils and to facilitate their choice. In addition, there is a need for an Anti-Stress regulation and nationwide work safety inspections. A survey commissioned by the insurance, Swiss Life was only revealed recently that nearly two-thirds of the working population in the Job, feel stressed.
The DAK Report shows that the number of false increases days because of psychological diseases with age continuously. Women are therefore written significantly more likely to be due to soul suffer ill than men. Further, it was said, in public administration and in health care, a disproportionately high number of missing there have been “days because of psychological diseases” to.
In a country comparison, Bayern are the least due to mental health problems in sick (to 1.9 days of absence per Insured in year 2018), of the Saar region the most (by 3.1 days). In the DAK-health more than five million people are insured. It is one of the largest statutory health insurances in Germany.
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