A key witness within the investigation to challenge or impeachment of the president of the united States has changed this week his statement and says now that he remembers having reported to a senior Ukrainian that his country would not get the economic aid military agreed if you are not investigating the former vice president Joe Biden. This would confirm as well that if there was the already famous quid pro quo one thing for another.

Gordon Sondland, a former ambassador of the USA to the European Union, modified as well with a letter of three pages to the testimony that was provided behind closed doors last October 17 before three committees of the House of Representatives. The statement signed by the handwriting of Sondland gives by good the thesis of the democrats, which ensures that the White House blackmailed to Kiev for political gain of Donald Trump and his fight for the presidency in the elections of 2024, which is reason for the start of the removal policy.

This Tuesday, the committees that are investigating the case of Ukraine has made public the transcript of the original testimony of Sondland, in which he says that the appearance of other witnesses has refreshed “the memory of certain conversations” regarding Ukraine in which it participated in September. “Now I remember a conversation on the 1st of September in Warsaw with the lord [Andrei] Yermak [an advisor to the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski]”, we read in the fifth point of the charter of Sondland. The ambassador said that he communicated to Yermak the message that the resumption of u.s. aid “would not happen until the Ukraine to make the statement anti-corruption policy that had been negotiated over many weeks”.

The memory of the hotelier —who was rewarded with the embassy in the capacity of donor of the campaign Trump— has cooled after reviewing the statement made by Bill Taylor, ambassador to Ukraine, and Tim Morrison, a former adviser to the president for Russian and european affairs. Sondland explains that he assumed that the declaration against corruption should be made by the president himself Zelenski. However, the former ambassador claims not to remember how he came to that conclusion, but surely it was through the personal attorney of Trump, Rudolph Giuliani, or Kurt Volker, the then special envoy of the united States to Ukraine, who resigned after his name appeared on the complaint made by the anonymous informant about the pressures of the president Trump to his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden.


The son of Biden admits that his work in Ukraine was an “error of judgment” democrats throw the process of ‘impeachment’ against Trump

Along with Rick Perry, minister of Energy, Volker and Sondland referred to themselves as “the three amigos” (in Spanish, in reference to the film). With the exception of Volker, who was ambassador to NATO between 2008 and 2009, none of the other two had no diplomatic experience whatsoever, but I had a relationship of great trust with Trump. The past month of may, according to testimony in the Congress, a senior official of the Department of State, the chief of staff of Trump, Mick Mulvaney, explained in a meeting that the policy with Ukraine would get out of the official channels and would be coordinated through “the three friends”, in a sort of parallel diplomacy.

Sondland ensures that today still do not know, “why are you suspended” the delivery of the nearly $ 400 million to Ukraine as military aid, but that he understood at the beginning of the month of September, “and in the absence of credible explanations about the suspension of aid”, that the suspension of the assistance was linked to the declaration of the fight against corruption.

The White House has reacted to the publication of the transcripts of Sondland and Volker —whose statement has also been made public this Tuesday through his press officer, Stephanie Grisham. “Both transcripts show that there is even less evidence for this farce of impeachment illegitimate that thought”, ensures the spokesperson. “The ambassador Sondland clearly states that ‘I did not know (and still know) when, why, or by whom it was suspended the aid,” communicates Grisham. “It also says that ‘assumes’ that there was a link to the help, but I can’t identify a solid source for that presumption”.

The White House continues its press release stating that, however, the testimony of Volker if you confirm that there might be no quid pro quo because the Government in Ukrainian I did not know at that time that the aid was being withheld. The note of the White House ends up saying it doesn’t matter the volume of lies that you post what media to change the story because the plain fact is that “president Trump has not done anything wrong.”


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