it Has the communicator and political scientist Aleix Sanmartín that their parents will put that name by Alexander Karamazov, the youngest of the brothers of the novel of Dostoevsky and to whom the Russian writer defines as “the hero” of your story. Precisely, in finding heroes, villains and victims is what Sanmartín has cemented its strategy in political advertising that has brought him professional success, but whose modus operandi is being challenged these days.
Sanmartín is defined in your Twitter profile as a “specialist in winning elections impossible”, a motto that can boast thanks to the electoral campaign that he designed for the president of the regional government of Andalusia, Juan Manuel Moreno. Although in the regional elections, the PP obtained the worst results in its history in Andalusia, the victory of insufficient of the socialist leader, Susana Díaz, has allowed the leader popular to wrest the Government of andalusia, the PSOE after 37 years in power, a success that boasts the communicator and that has earned him to be recruited by the national leader of the formation conservative, Paul Married.
The campaign, which has received several international awards, he won in Spain a prestige, which had already wrought in his career american, and that I needed to strengthen to get back with red carpet to his native country, where I wanted to work on an ongoing basis. Many in your environment, however, to be wondered at that his return occurred of the hand of the PP. Sanmartín was born 39 years ago in Hornachuelos (Córdoba). Raised in a family of teachers and militant of the UGT, grew up politically under the mantle of the PSOE in andalusia, whose youth was a part coming to be the regional responsible of the student policies. Sources consulted indicated that their decision to work for popular in Andalusia generated some surprise and disgust in their familiar surroundings.
And operated by the rogue network in favor of the PP: the third largest political campaign in Facebook, The company that designed the campaign of the PP andaluz boasts of promoting the abstention on Facebook
throughout his professional career, Sanmartín has been stripped of political affinities of their early years to settle in to a fierce pragmatism, which he himself has acknowledged: “Before only worked with politicians of the left. Now I try to work with political respect from the ethical point of view”, declared in an interview for Journal de Córdoba in 2015, a philosophy that has strengthened with time. This same year was recognized in a promotional video on the occasion of the awarding of the prizes Napolitan to the best political campaign of the year, for his work on the PP andaluz: “I do Not case with a political idea, but with a person. Do not hire me for who I vote, but for the people to vote for them.” Sanmartín insists on what he considers an example of his professionalism: “After the andalusian we have worked with the PSOE president of extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara, of the valencian Ximo Puig and also in the campaign of the candidate of the PP in Murcia [Fernando López Miras]”, pointed out this week to this newspaper.
Sanmartín graduated with a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Granada, where he met with the deputy of the PP of Malaga, José Ramón Carmona, the link through which she came to work with the campaign team of Brown. He began his career as a political consultant in the municipal group PSOE in the town Hall of Córdoba. “He always showed a character haughty and ambitious, never hid his interest in going to Madrid,” recalls a partner of their stage of andalusia in the Socialist Youth. Such an opportunity was offered by the deputy from córdoba, Miguel Ángel Moratinos. His hand worked on the campaign for re-election to the presidency of the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and from there she went on to advise Moratinos in the Foreign Ministry.
Then made the leap to the private company and, in 2009, was installed in Mexico, one of the best markets to exploit the communication policy, by the volume of business that generate the candidates and the number of campaigns that will be happening. In six years, through his company Sanmartin Group has worked for more than 100 electoral campaigns and governments, not only in the central american country, where he has worked in the strategies of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (in 2012), among other leaders, but in other States of Latin america, where he worked for Tabaré Vázquez (Uruguay, 2014) or Ricardo Martinelli (Panama, 2013).
it Is in your stage mexican when Sanmartín elaborates on what he called in his lectures the “theory of speech” and that, he argues, explains the success of campaigns populists who have been encouraged to Trump or Bolsonaro to power in EE UU and Brazil, respectively, —and for which he has not hidden his admiration— or have made to succeed the Brexit. For the communicator it is important to the story, build a narrative in which “a hero, a helper of the hero, a villain, a helper of the villain and a victim”. “The citizens adhere to the narrative,” says Sanmartín in a lecture given at the forum on Campaign Tech in Jalisco (Mexico) in march of 2018.
In the construction of this narrative, Sanmartín has passed to push the positive contents, as he himself recognizes that he made in 2008 during the campaign, Zapatero, to opt for the campaigns in the negative. “They are the most effective because they move to the public opinion and because, even though people say they don’t like, are the more they speak,” says the announcer in the promo video of the Napolitan Awards. In the case of the campaign of andalusia, Sanmartín defined perfectly to your villain: Susana Diaz. “We have reminded them that we wanted to go to Madrid, which gave a coup in his party, which lost the primaries”, he noted in an interview with the ABC’s of Cordoba within a few days of the December elections, in which he claims for himself the success of the demobilization of the vote, a socialist, a strategy of which he now complains. “We did a campaign to mobilize the vote of discontent”, he assured this week to this newspaper.