Who would have thought it possible: After years of mutual discomfort price are the large, long divided Britain, and his great-Recently contentious literature, the Booker, at once agreed – and even if it is only in the realization that beyond the English channel, just all around Northern Ireland, turns.
In Northern Ireland, the much-needed Brexit agreement threatens to fail. In Northern Ireland, the conservative government threatens to destroy it. The Northern Ireland question has split the Tories, and, believe at least a couple of political anxiety patients, possibly the Nation.
A customs border in the Irish sea, in particular, the North is afraid of the Irish DUP, the Prime Minister, Theresa May secures currently a slight majority in the British house of Commons, could remove Belfast from London and dangerously close to Dublin back: inch could beat Think, of the internal market of the denomination. For some this is the bare Horror.
of The tree, the jail, #MeToo
In this dispute has been mixed well, the Jury of the Booker prize: For the first Time in the Booker’s history, she stands out in the middle of the worst Brexit-scramble up a novel from the North of Ireland: The 56-year-old writer Anna Burns returns to View and 50,000 pounds richer to the native Ardoyne, a Catholic working-class district in the North of the Protestant Belfast, to which she has set in her excellent novel, “Milkman” is a monument.
“Milkman” tells the story of an 18-Year-olds experienced in the Ardoyne of the seventy years of denominational conflicts, family disasters, and sexual assault. “I think this novel will help people, about MeToo thinking”, was the Chairman of the jury said, as this price would be a decision at this time in this place solely in questions of gender politics.
Suggest you not be so perceived will be different, especially since the relatively unknown Anna Burns was on Tuesday evening at London’s Guildhall just as high as a house favorite. Richard Powers’ tree-epic “roots of life” and “Mars Room”, Rachel Kushner already in the sky acclaimed novel about life in a women’s prison, had been assessed in the run-up is far higher – and perhaps underestimated how unwilling the Jury could award, for the third Time in a row, a novel from the USA.
English stories
Since the Booker five years ago, has chosen his circle of influence to extend across the old Commonwealth, more he comes to rest finally: authors, publishers, booksellers grumble-resistant, and write a Petition to Petition. In your opinion, has rich tradition, for almost half a century award by the decision of 2013 at least, your Unique Point-of-Sale, maybe even lost their identity.
And so the decision for Anna Burns’ story from Ardoyne would have to favor the identitarian forces on the island. The Booker, even if he has turned never to the North of Ireland, return with their quasi to his roots – in those good old days without a London degree and galloping globalization, in the England English stories, told by old Empire from the old Empire, and Hilary mantel novel about Henry VIII the Booker twice won.
in fact, the Booker for Anna Burns is meant, of course, quite different. Different than it would have Nigel Farage and other Brexiteers certainly like to, he wants to remember not the fact that Northern Ireland, a British territory and you have not secreting it is better by suspended customs borders.
Instead, the novel and remind the Nation in a decisive Moment, which stands in London and Brussels to Belfast on the game. To Northern Ireland of the Seventies, in the time of the “Troubles” and the barbed wire no one wants to go back. This Booker is a warning.