As a revenge to Marshal Varentsov for friendship with the traitor Penkovsky

History 05/03/20 As a revenge to Marshal Varentsov for friendship with the traitor Penkovsky

Fatal error in the life of Marshal varentsova was his acquaintance with Colonel Penkovsky of the GRU, who in the 60’s he was accused of espionage. At the trial of Penkovsky Varentsov was not sitting beside him in the dock. However, some believed that the Marshal should have been more alert and not confused with anyone, and therefore justified subsequent history of this persecution varentsova.

actually Sergey Varentsov knew of Oleg Penkovsky. At least, Sergey was absolutely sure. They were friends for many years, even with the great Patriotic war. After winning Varentsov and Penkovsky some time not spoken: just like that, without any particular reason. And in 1950-ies of the front-line friends met up again. Penkovsky told the friend on the lack of a good place in terms of service. Varentsov was filled with despair Oleg Vladimirovich has responded to his request.

Marshal arranged for Penkovsky to engineering and artillery training, and then helped him to take one of leading positions in the Military Academy. Varentsova it seemed that he was absolutely right: he just helped his old friend. They were often seen, but even Penkovsky came to Marshall to visit. But soon this warm relationship came to an end. In October 1962, Oleg Penkovsky was taken into custody on suspicion of espionage.

during the investigation it turned out that Colonel Penkovsky of the GRU was recruited by Western intelligence agencies and within a few months conveyed its employees certain photographs. The defendant fully admitted his guilt. In 1963 he was shot. His friend Varentsova had hard times during and after the trial and execution of the sentence.

of Course, Marshall was questioned, however, as many other witnesses. It witnesses, but nikak not the accused. Moreover it has been proven that Varentsov Penkovsky supplied any information. However, the last name varentsova already called lit up in a dirty scandal. Because the story was a lot of hype, it was highlighted by the media.

Varentsov let my guard down and warmed to his chest, a real snake. So considered the then government. Since the accused Marshal was not, it had taken disciplinary action. First and foremost he was stripped of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the second – demoted to major General, and the third was excluded from the candidate members of the CPSU Central Committee. Then varentsova asked to resign.

the Majority of historians and witnesses of those events say that Sergey became a common victim of violence or revenge. And let it has failed to bring to justice, but his life was effectively over. On one of versions, the initiator of the above mentioned disciplinary measures were Nikita Khrushchev and Marshal Chuikov, who I varentsova was some friction.

Now major-General Sergey Varentsov several years sought rehabilitation. Moreover, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union denied it illegally, as it was done only by court order. And in the case of the marshals-there was no trial.

But all were in vain. Apparently, the story of Penkovsky and followed after her events in the life of varentsova shattered health of the latter. 8 years after the forced resignation of Sergey died.

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