Everyday life is slowly but surely starting again after the corona lockdown and Mallorca is also preparing for its first tourists. Hotels and restaurants are said to be ready for tourists, but clubs and bars will remain closed until a coronavirus vaccine is found.

At the moment only locals frolic on the beach, the Ballermann is swept clean. For Mallorca and its notorious party mile, of course, this is a medium-sized catastrophe, because it is precisely the numerous German tourists who come often because of the excessive parties in the Bierkönig and Co.

Ballermann vor dem Aus? "Eimer-Saufen ist Geschichte..."

imago images / ThomasReiner.pro


“For many it will be ruin”

If bars and clubs remain closed, many Malle singers lose the income of an entire season. Melanie Müller explains to the newspaper “Express”: “This is actually a disaster for all artists. For many it will be ruin, of course also for me. ”

The singer also runs a sausage truck and complains: “My second mainstay, the sausage stands, can also stay.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by MEGAPARK MALLORCA (@ megapark.tv) on Jun 3, 2024 at 1:27 am PDT

The discotheques are currently at a loss in the rain and can only provide their fans with bits and pieces of news. The Megapark, one of the party temples in Mallorca, still a little hope on Facebook a few days ago and wrote: “What we can say for the time being is that it is neither factual nor rumored that the Megapark this summer does not open. ”

And further: “We are closely watching the entire development in dealing with COVID-19 and hope that the responsible authorities at home and abroad will as soon as possible lay the foundations that will also allow the megapark to open this summer!”

No more “bucket drinking”

But why are tourists allowed to go on holiday to Mallorca, go to the beach and restaurants, but not in bars? Francina Armengol, Regional President of the Balearic Islands, explains that at late hours, under the influence of alcohol and in the best of party mood, corona arrangements are the least to be checked. That is why she wants to delay opening night clubs as long as possible.

“We want to guarantee that holidays in Mallorca are safe. Drinking buckets is history, ”Armengol told the“ Berliner Morgenpost.


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