China – The launch of the largest Basketball world championship all times, is on December 31. August 2019. 32 Teams take part in in China and will play for the title. Strong favourites the USA are of course. The Americans could defend for the second Time in a row the title. They secured in 2010 Turkey and 2014 Spain world Cup.
game plan and mode of the Basketball world Cup in 2019
The teams are divided for the schedule of the Basketball world Cup in 2019, initially in eight groups with four teams each. A novelty, took part, but so far only 24 Teams at a world Cup. The mode is divided into three tournament stages. The groups play the first of the placements to one another. There is, however, to note here the special case of the awarding of points. The winning team of a match gets two points, the loser still have one. And Already from the first round there is a draw, an extension in the game.
In the second round, the two best teams in the first round will be divided into four new groups of four teams each, the third – and fourth-placed Teams are also new to forcing.
the game plan of the Basketball world Cup in 2019: The group classification of the first round
group A:
ivory coast, Poland, Venezuela, China
group B:
Russia, Argentina, Korea, Nigeria
group C:
Spain, Iran, Puerto Rico, Tunisia
group D:
Angola, Philippines, Italy, Serbia
group E:
Turkey, Czech Republic, USA, Japan,
group F
Greece, new Zealand, Brazil, Montenegro
group G
Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Jordan
group H:
Canada, Senegal, Lithuania, Australia
the game plan of the Basketball world Cup in 2019: As a result, the groups for the second round
group I:
A1, A2, B1, B2
A3, A4, B3, B4
group J:
C1, C2, D1, D2
C3, C4, D3, D4
E1, E2, F1, F2
group O:
E3, E4, F3, F4
group L:
G1, G2, H1, H2
G3, G4, H3, H4
The first two groups I, J, K and L in the final round, the groups M, N, O, P the places 17 to 32. In this case, the result of the Teams that were in the same group in round one is actively transferred.
Basketball world Cup in 2019 in China: the game plan in the finals
In the four quarter-final games of the first-placed hits from group I on the second place of the group J, of the K-group winner plays against the Second of group L, the winner of the group J will play against the Second of group I and the First of the group L plays against the Second of group K. This results in the semi-finals and ultimately the finals and the match for third place.
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: First round on October 31. August
the venue
Angola – Serbia
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
Poland – Venezuela
16 Uhr
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
Russia – Nigeria
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
Iran – Puerto Rico
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
Philippines – Italy
19.30 PM
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
ivory coast – China
20 p.m.
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
Argentina – Korea
20.30 PM
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
Spain – Tunisia
20.30 PM
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium
*All time: GMT+08Spielplan Basketball world Cup in 2019: First round 1. September
the Canada – Australia
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
new Zealand – Brazil
16 Uhr
Nanjing, High school of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
Turkey – Japan
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
Republic – Jordanian
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
Senegal – Lithuania
19.30 PM
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
Greece – Montenegro
20 p.m.
Nanjing, High school of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
Republic – USA
20.30 PM
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
France, Germany
20.30 PM
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
*All time indications: GMT+08Spielplan Basketball world Cup in 2019: First round on 2. September
the venue
Italy – Angola
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
Venezuela ivory coast
16 Uhr
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
Nigeria – Argentina
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
Tunisia – Iran
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
Serbia – Philippines
19.30 PM
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
China – Poland
20 p.m.
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
Korea – Russia
20.30 PM
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
Puerto Rico – Spain
20.30 PM
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
*All time: GMT+08
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: First round at 3. September
the venue
Australia – Senegal
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
Montenegro – new Zealand
16 Uhr
Nanjing, High school of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
Japan – Czech Republic
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
Germany –
Dominican Republic
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
Lithuania – Canada
19.30 PM
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
Brazil – Greece
20 p.m.
Nanjing, Gymnasium of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
United States – Turkey
20.30 PM
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
Jordan France
20.30 PM
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
*All time: GMT+08
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: First round at the 4. September
the venue
Angola – Philippines
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
ivory coast – Poland
16 Uhr
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
Korea – Nigeria
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
Puerto Rico – Tunisia
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
Italy – Serbia
19.30 PM
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
Venezuela – China
20 p.m.
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
Russia – Argentina
20.30 PM
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
Spain – Iran
20.30 PM
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium
*All time: GMT+08Spielplan Basketball world Cup in 2019: First round at 5. September
the venue
Canada – Senegal
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
Brazil – Montenegro
16 Uhr
Nanjing, High school of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
Turkey – Czech Republic
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
Germany – Jordan
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
Lithuania – Australia
19.30 PM
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
Greece – new Zealand
20 p.m.
Nanjing, High school of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
U.S. – Japan
20.30 PM
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
Dominican Republic – France
20.30 PM
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
*All time indications: GMT+08
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: Second round on may 6. September
the venue
A1 – B2
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
B1 – A2
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
C1 – D2
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
D1 – C2
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
A3 – B4
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
B3 – A4
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
C3 D4
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
D3 – C4
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: Second round at 7. September
the venue
E1 – F2
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
F1 – E2
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
G1 – H2
Nanjing, Gymnasium of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
H1 – G2
Nanjing, High school of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
E3 – F4
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
F3 – E4
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
G3 – H4
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
H3 – G4
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: Second round 8. September
A2 – B2
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
A1 – B1
Foshan, Foshan International
Sports & Cultural Arena
C2 D2
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
C1 – D1
Wuhan, Wuhan Sports Centre
A4 – B4
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
A3 – B3
Guangzhou, Guangzhou Gymnasium,
C4 – D4
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
C3 D3
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: Second round on 9. September
the venue
E2 – F2
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
E1 F1
Shenzhen, Shenzhen Bay Sports Center
G2 – H2
Nanjing, Gymnasium of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
G1 – H1
Nanjing, High school of
Youth Olympic Games sports Park
E4 – F4
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
E3 – F3
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
G4 – H4
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
G3 – H3
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: quarter-finals, on 10. and 11. September
I1 – J2
10. September
Dongguan, Dongguan,
Basketball Center
J1 – I2
10. September
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
K1 – L2
11. September
Dongguan, Dongguan
Basketball Center
L1 – K2
11. September
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
*All time: GMT+08Spielplan Basketball world Cup in 2019: games for places 5 to 8 at the 12. and 14. September
the venue
loser of the I1 – J2 against losers K1 – L2
12. September
Dongguan, Dongguan Basketball Center
loser J1 – L2 vs. loser L1 – K2
12. September
Shanghai, Shanghai Oriental
Sports Center
loser of the first placement game – loser for the second placement game
14. September
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
winner of the first placement game – winner in the second Placement match
14. September
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
*All time: GMT+08
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: semi-finals on 13. September
winner of the I1 – J2, against the winner of K1 – L2
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
winner J1 – I2 against the winner L1 – K2
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
game plan Basketball world Cup in 2019: final on 15. September
the venue
loser of the first semi-final –
loser of the second semi-final
16 Uhr
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
winner of the first semi-final –
winner of the second semi-final
20 p.m.
Beijing, Wukesong sports Arena
*All time: GMT+08
The 2019 world Championships will be held in China, 2024 a large tournament in Germany takes place. After more than 25 years, the final round of the European Basketball Championships 2024 rises again for the first time. Well, that Superstar Dirk Nowitzki will be there as a spectator guest. The ehemaliga NBA professional should have to the end of his career sufficient time.