The warm Season invites, increasingly, for Cycling in many cities, an army is ready for bikes. But how comfortable, how expensive and how safe is bike sharing? The Stiftung Warentest in Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, and testers swarming and six providers tested. The conclusion is mixed – and this is mainly due to the security check.

Safe on-the-go customers, according to were test only with the bikes of the two major providers of Nextbike and Call a Bike, Deutsche Bahn. Cut in the technical safety examination at least “Satisfactory”. The providers of Donkey Republic, lime bike, Mobike, and Byke fell through, however, all “deficient”. The brakes were from the point of view of the Tester is too weak – is a serious safety defect.

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brakes are too weak For the Test to pass the brakes of the bike to 120 kilograms, stop – calculated for the driver, any Luggage, as well as the weight of the wheel. This is less than were the test on his bike starts testing for new wheels, since there are 150 kilos. Nevertheless, none of the tested wheels Byke, lime bike and Mobike, and only one of the three Donkey-Republic-wheels passed the brake test.

The Rent via the App and the payment process work for all carriers. A little inaccurate the displayed locations were, in part, so that the wheel still had to be sought. The pricing is in the case of the providers quite similar. Usually there is a short-term loan of 30 minutes for one to two Euro and a fixed price for the whole day.

The winner of the test Nextbike and Call a Bike are each available in more than 60 cities available. In the Test, only those providers with at least one of the three test cities of Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich at the Start were taken into account.

The entire Test read cost-free on



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