History 04/03/20 “Brandenburg 800”: as at war with the USSR the main saboteurs Hitler
In 1940, the Directive creates the first Abwehr subversive division “Brandenburg 800”. In its composition were only the natives of those regions where it was planned to conduct subversive activities. Daring operations behind enemy lines provided the German army a significant advantage.
the Father of German sabotage unit is Colonel von Hippel. During the First world war he fought in Africa against the British in the German case. Difficult natural conditions and the numerical superiority of the British troops forced the Germans to use the tactic of “guerrilla warfare”. Unpredictable and rapid strokes mobile forces proved to be very effective.
After the Nazis came to power, von Hippel, given your military experience, trying to promote the concept of subversive groups. His reports, however, does not perceived the military command. The only interested person was Admiral Canaris – head of German intelligence. He put the task of creating a special commando unit. The first units appeared already in the late thirties. By 1940, formed a special regiment “Brandenburg”, for conspiracy, he was designated as a training. In 1944 the regiment was reorganized in the division.
Special screening
supposed to work in the rear required special frames. In a combat unit, as a rule, were selected Volksdeutsche – ethnic Germans who lived in German territory, for example in Romania or Poland. In addition to units included persons of other nationalities, who approved of the policy of the Reich. Such policies provide valuable human resources division who, knowing the enemy could act freely in enemy territory. The customs division also had a special way of life: the relationship between the military wearif friendly, military welcome replaced the usual handshake, combat training was done only when visiting the part of my superiors. And it was not an indulgence in the service, but a necessity. “Military” could put the success of the saboteur in jeopardy, because he needs to blend in and not flaunt military bearing. For “full immersion”, in addition to fighting skills, saboteurs studied the customs and legislation of the countries-opponents.
Military use
the Main task of the saboteurs “Brandenburg” – to infiltrate into the enemy territory and using the element of surprise, to help the main forces of the German army. Saboteurs carry out their activities in many countries, such as Belgium, when fighters disguised as French soldiers were able to carry out deep reconnaissance and to prepare a bridgehead for the capture of the important fortifications of Fort Eben-Emael.
Soldiers, tourist, refugee – saboteur group “Brandenburg” could be anyone. For example during the attack on the Soviet Union saboteurs, disguised as wounded Soviet soldiers, drove to the bridge across the Western Dvina river. The guards calmly passed all the cars saboteurs, but were totally unprepared for the attack. After a few minutes of battle, the bridge was completely captured.
the biggest diversion of the division “Brandenburg” remains the capture of Maikop in 1942. 62 commandos, disguised as soldiers of the NKVD, army trucks arrived in the city. The head of the group of saboteurs had the Soviet command officer of the NKVD and asked to report on the status of the defense of the city. Then, destroying the telephone exchange, the saboteurs were deprived of Soviet units. However, there was information that the German troops are in the rear of the defenders of the city, although in reality the advanced part was twenty kilometers from Maykop. Saboteurs have made havoc in the ranks of the defenders of the city, and the soldiers of the red Army began to flee their positions. As a result, the city was soon taken fSistemi almost without a fight.
After the war
Almost all the soldiers of the “Brandenburg” that escaped death in battle or in prison, and chose the peaceful life of service in various units. The experience of the saboteurs provided them with good conditions in special forces units around the world including British SAS and American CIA. Many of the German saboteurs settled in Africa, assuming the role of professional mercenaries.
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