Swan village – the movie chase, in the upper Palatinate tyres the police can stop a car thief with Warnschüssen. The officials told on Tuesday, was tearing the 39-Year-old on the eve of more than 200 kilometres per hour on highway 93 from Hof in the direction of Regensburg. At the junction of the Swan village centre mid, he left the highway.
also read: Movie-like chase on A9 ends with arrests and wrecked cars
car thief, and a grid with 200 km/h on A93 in Schwandorf
Pursued by the police, who asked him to Stop, distracting the driver of the car immediately back to the highway on-ramp, rammed the guard rail and turned suddenly, directly at the entrance to the highway. As the officers rammed the car to the side, both vehicles to a stop. The car thief fled on foot across the opposite lane. In the case of the tracking shot, the police shot several times into the air, prompting the 39-Year-old.
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He left without resistance to arrest and was in a hospital. In the case of the incident, the officials and the detained minor injuries they had suffered.
large-scale operation of the police in Augsburg: the city hall has been evacuated. In the night a bomb threat by E-Mail was received. On the Inntal motorway police officers take control of a truck – they come just in time. Quick as a flash, has traded a Boy in Nuremberg on Tuesday morning when he noticed smoke in the car. So he probably saved himself and his little sister’s life. Charly von Pfuel, the son of a coffee-Countess Stephanie von Pfuel, was recorded in Berlin’s Chaussee street, two cars and life is in danger, reports Merkur.de*. A motorist drove a 600-HP car on the A93: police chasing 231 km/h fast cars. Two women are living in the district of Ebersberg dangerous to the brain inflammation of the skin becomes ill, a day-care centre was temporarily closed, reported Merkur.de*.
*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.