Sunday, May 5, 2024

27 October 1962: as almost started world war III

27 October 1962: as almost started world war III
It was kind of a fascinating political game of cat-and-mouse of the Soviet Union and the United States for a small island, the value of which is determined only by the preference of the leader of the socialist States of Nikita Khrushchev. He decided to show America her face "gruel" using young leader Fidel Castro.

What deeds committed by the Russian military in Syria

What deeds committed by the Russian military in Syria
The military operation in Syria lasted for almost two years and ended in almost complete destruction of the terrorists on the territory of the Arab Republic. It is possible to achieve the tasks would have much longer if not for the dedication of the Russian troops, which even today preserve order in the middle East.

The elimination of the ataman Dutov in China: the first special operation of the KGB

The elimination of the ataman Dutov in China: the first special operation of the KGB
Cossack ataman A. I. Dutov was lost due to the unreliability of its intelligence – was guarded by one of the leaders of the White movement is extremely bad. The KGB was able to beat the guards and shoot Dutova almost insolently and openly.

The Polish-Ukrainian war 1918-1919: who won

The Polish-Ukrainian war 1918-1919: who won
By the end of the First world war in the disintegration of three empires – the Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian poles and Ukrainians dawned the prospects of independence. However, the obstacle in the way was the territorial disputes between neighbours.

Basil Trachtenberg: who was the compiler of the first dictionary of thieves ‘ jargon

Basil Trachtenberg: who was the compiler of the first dictionary of thieves ' jargon
That Russian professional criminals have Fenya – a special language, understandable only to the initiated, it was known for a long time. However, the domestic science has seriously studied this phenomenon only at the beginning of the XX century. In 1908 in St. Petersburg published a dictionary of "underworld music. Jargon jail." Its author, Vasily Filippovich Trachtenberg, the famous swindler and sharper of his time, knew the criminal world from the inside.