Thursday, May 2, 2024

What has changed in the churches following the call of the Patriarch: the sacrament with disinfection

What has changed in the churches following the call of the Patriarch: the sacrament with disinfection
Patriarch Kirill on Sunday, March 29, urged Russians to refrain from visiting temples in connection with the coronavirus. Moreover, in many Moscow churches have significantly changed the ritual, and some even remembered the prayer that occurred during the bubonic plague, "Parasiva" half of Europe.

Daughter Peskov spoke about the campaign father to a party with Leshchenko

Daughter Peskov spoke about the campaign father to a party with Leshchenko
Daughter of press Secretary of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov commented on the boom in social networks around the party representatives of the national stage, after which to a hospital in Kommunarka took Lev Leshchenko and Igor Nikolaeva

The expert told how to make life easier on remote: need addictive

The expert told how to make life easier on remote: need addictive
The transition to udalenku many perceived at first with pleasure. However, the enthusiasm was premature – in fact, it turned out that time to work out now even more than it was in the office, as evidenced by the many "heart-cries" of Facebook users. People complain that "now the white light can not see" and maybe even eat them once. On the other hand, according to the survey, one company published the press, a third of their customers are satisfied with the work at a distance. Maybe it's in the right organization udalenka? Knows best how to do it, head of mobile directions products known online recruitment company Ilya Moltyaninov, with whom he talked "MK".

Patriarch Kirill urged not to listen to “the foolish priests” during a pandemic

Patriarch Kirill urged not to listen to "the foolish priests" during a pandemic
The Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Kirill spoke to the faithful about "the foolish priests" who do not consider it necessary to observe a mode of self-isolation, as well as the implementation of sanitary-hygienic requirements of the authorities and of the clergy

In Chechnya canceled the Friday prayer due to the spread of the coronavirus

In Chechnya canceled the Friday prayer due to the spread of the coronavirus
The mufti of Chechnya Salah Haji Mezhiev ordered to cancel in the mosques of the Republic Friday prayer in connection with the situation around coronavirus