Friday, May 17, 2024

Exclusive models: The new classics – Alfa Romeo NRING-series

Who loves cars, loves Motorsport, and anyone who loves Motorsport, the past comes to Alfa Romeo. The Milan-based company with a long tradition is celebrating its 108. Birthday with two exclusive NRING models. Alfa Romeo moves for almost 100 years of racing...

Driving report of the Porsche 911 is So good is the new sports car

August Achleitner, has a Job, to him, any engineer envious. Not to mention sports car-lovers. Achleitner is in charge at Porsche, the development of the 911 and is, therefore, something like the guardians of the pure sports car theory. Most of the...

Gender research: Hungary abolishes the subject of Gender Studies

no one need the tray, Vice-Chairman Zsolt Semjén, state Secretary Bence Rétvári and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. This has signed a decree on the abolition of study Gender Studies. It is now no longer on the list of approved in Hungary master's...

Russia has sent to the U.S. aircraft with medical equipment – trump

Russia has sent to the U.S. aircraft with medical equipment – trump
The American leader said that he also received the China

Trump is considering to close down new York to the quarantine

Trump is considering to close down new York to the quarantine
The President of the United States Donald trump in the course of communication with journalists on Saturday said that the Administration is considering several measures to reduce the spread of the pandemic coronavirus