Photo: video screenshot telegram-channel ROOP
Sakhalin’s fishermen for two days nursed the pup, who himself had crept out to people on the smell of fish. It is reported portal “Вести.Ru”.
it is Noted that the Sakhalin called baby sea lions Valera and cared for him for several days. Men have built him a rookery, wrapped the animal, and were fed fish, but after a time the animal died.
Environmentalists have accused of destruction of the seal fishermen, saying that it was impossible to warm and feed.
“the Animal in any case it was impossible to warm, feed and touch, but only watch from the sidelines, so as not to scare the mother in case of her return,” – said the head of the Foundation “Green mushroom” – Alexander Ivanov.
the Fishermen, in turn, began to defend from the attacks of environmentalists, noting that he followed all the recommendations of volunteers.
“Yes, we were covered, but only when riding in the car. We originally stated that it must be transported very carefully. So we did everything slowly and almost on the stretcher”, – said the resident of Sakhalin.
Earlier, drowning the dog was pulled out of the Moscow river. The dog fell into the water and could not get to the surface. Came to the aid of rescuers who took the animal from the pond and handed to the hostess.
see also
In a residential house in the suburbs settled pumana of Kamchatka made a video of how the seals came to rybzavod