Munich: a 23-Year-old breathes on Party diesel exhaust and dies
At a Party in a vacant warehouse in the Schwabing district of Munich came on Sunday, a young man lost his life. The 23-Year-old is said to have first investigations suggest that, in the vicinity of a Diesel powered Emergency generator and the fumes inhaled stopped. With the unit, the music system of the DJs was operated, according to police. Accordingly, the building was not ventilated but not sufficient. The fire Department noted in measurements at the scene of a dangerously high carbon monoxide concentration. As the use of forces on Sunday arrived in the morning at the hall, the young man was already unconscious. He was placed under ongoing resuscitation in a hospital, where he died a little later.
source: Reuters
Halberstadt: house explodes, police evacuated
In Halberstadt (Saxony-Anhalt) exploded in the night on Sunday a single-family home. It was hurt, according to police, a man. In addition, the accident site had been cleared in a radius of 300 meters, according to a spokeswoman. Apparently, the police suspected that the affected house chemicals are stored. In the case of the Detonation of the doors and Windows had been damaged. A total of about 650 residents in their houses and apartments had to leave.
source: Reuters
Elz: small plane crashed, 53-Year-old dies
When a small plane crash in the Central Hessian town of Elz came on Saturday evening, a 53-Year-old lost his life. The Pilot, apparently the husband of the victim, was flown with life-threatening injuries by helicopter to a hospital. The plane of the couple from the Rhine-victory-circle should be directly after the Start of the sailing and sports airfield in the district of Limburg – Weilburg from a low height, plunged into the edge of a forest next to the runway. The cause of the crash remained unclear.
source: Reuters
shortly after the Start, the small plane crashed in a forest in the Central Hessian town of Elz. A 53-Year-old passenger did not survive the accident.
©Thomas Frey Picture Alliance probably peat: Missing, dead, to the cemetery Bank discovered
since a house fire on Thursday in the circle Duchy Lauenburg (Schleswig-Holstein) missing husband is dead. A Passer-by discovered the 58-Year-old lifeless sitting on a bench. Hamburg media had first reported the discovery at a cemetery in the district of Bergedorf. The man can be identified, because he had worn his badge with you, as a spokesman for the police on Sunday. Accordingly, a knife stuck in his chest. As a policeman of the “Hamburg morning post” confirmed, it could have been a suicide. The house of the man was caught on Thursday after a gas explosion in the fire and collapsed.
source: “Hamburger Morgenpost”
you Have suicidal thoughts? Help the phone offers pastoral care. It is anonymous, and round-the-clock, free of charge, accessible at: 0 800 / 111 0 111 and 0 800 / 111 0 222. Also the communication via Chat or E-Mail is possible.
Pforzheim: 27-Year-old with knife wounds killed, a husband is suspicious
In baden-württemberg, Pforzheim, Germany escalated on Saturday evening, apparently a family dispute. Rescue forces found in the stairwell of a residential building with multiple knife wounds of the injured woman, informed the police and the public Prosecutor’s office together. Accordingly, the 27 was taken-Year-old in a hospital where you have little injured and later succumbed to. Strongly suspect, is the husband of the victim. The police arrested the 37-Year-old. On the Sunday of the judge is to be presented.
source: Reuters
Ludwigsburg, Germany: 16-Year-old drowns after falling in the river Neckar
Fatal morning, the nocturnal Party of three youths on the banks of the river Neckar ended early on Sunday. The police announced Ludwigsburg, alarmed witnesses, around 3 a.m., the fire Department, after they had heard cries of a Person floating in the water. Rescue workers have recovered a 16-Year-old, and brought them to successful resuscitation in a hospital. There the youth died a few hours later to the consequences. As the first investigation revealed, had celebrated the 16-Year-old and two friends on the river Neckar, the beach – also alcohol is supposed to be in the game. Why you fell from the wooden jetty into the river and was immediately aborted, now determines the criminal investigation.
source: police of Ludwigsburg
news from Saturday, 25. May
Rostock: a pedestrian discovered the dead infant on the street
A pedestrian has found in Rostock a dead Baby on a street. The Baby was without clothes on the street in the district of lichtenhagen, police said early Saturday evening. A ambulance have only been able to observe the death of the infant. Information on cause of death were not available initially. To the parents of the child, the police also have no information. The Prosecutor’s office in Rostock, and it instructed the right medicine with the clarification of the cause of death and announced a post-mortem examination. When this should take place was on a Saturday night is not yet known. The police were looking for witnesses who can provide information related to the case.
source: Reuters
Berlin: a Young racer with speed of 222 on city highway
stopped A young motorist has confused the Berlin city motorway in the night on Saturday with a race track. The 20-Year-old raced with more than 222 km/h through the city. According to a police spokeswoman was taken into account in this value of the tolerance deduction of three per cent already. Thus, the speedometer of his car, even showed a speed of nearly 230 kilometers per hour. The night ride will cost the racer 680 Euro. In addition, he must reckon with two points in Flensburg and a three-month driving ban. Perhaps the sanctions will fall even more drastically. Other speed violations, the probationary period of man had been extended already once.
source: Reuters
Berlin: Ex-SPD leader Gabriel is no longer a candidate for the Bundestag
The former SPD Chairman Sigmar Gabriel is preparing appeared to be the end of his political career. According to a report in the “daily mirror” he informed the three Chairpersons of its regional SPD-the circle of organizations already in the beginning of may that he will not run in the next elections for the Bundestag. Accordingly, Gabriel is determined to longer to end his political career permanently. How the “daily mirror” reported, did not want to make the 59-Year-old his decision public before the European elections in order to avoid agitation in the election campaign. Gabriel was from 2009 to 2017 Chairman of the party and in the Cabinet of Angela Merkel, among others, Federal Minister for economic Affairs and energy.
source: the daily mirror
Zwickau: Two racers to die in Sachsen Rallye
In the case of a severe accident in the context of the AvD Sachsen Rallye are on Friday, two racers were killed. As the organiser, confirmed, died in the Pilot, Kai Günther (48) still at the scene of the accident. His 44-year-old passenger’s Sebastian Walker was taken to hospital – died a little later, but his severe injuries. How the “Free press” reported, lost Günther in the first stage on a fast Downhill section in the municipality of Lauterhofen in control of his Renault Clio and crashed 200 meters behind the crest of a hill with the drivers side against a tree. “Protection and rescue forces were immediately on the spot, in spite of their efforts, the injury to the driver proved to be too heavy, so that he died,” said organizer AvD. The rally was cancelled on Friday evening.
source: “Free press”
Berlin: the perpetrators of violence to attack police with stones and bottles
In the Berlin district of Friedrichshain were attacked in the night of Saturday the police with stones and bottles. As a police, confirmed the spokesperson of the “Berliner Zeitung”, flew his bag on officials – a vehicle was damaged in the riots. Whether there were casualties was not known. According to police, an unannounced rally of about 70 participants was held in the evening in the Riga road first. As the alarmed officers arrived around 21 o’clock there are violent demonstrators had been attacked. Later, the garbage bins are rolled to the street and set fire to it. Because the fire Department did not, due to the confusing location of the job site, put out by the police, the barricades and ended the riots. In a Tweet, the police Union (GdP) has condemned the violence of the night in the strongest possible terms. “That burning barricades are erected, and from balconies, specifically bottles, and stones at people thrown out, there is no Kiezromanze…”, writes the GdP-the country’s chief Norbert Cioma.
In the night there were in the area of Riga corner of Liebig street burning barricades, flying bottles, stones and liquids to our colleagues, people who are specifically targeted – Clear words realized in our country, the heads of Norbert Cioma pic.twitter.com/z4bXSnv1aZ
— GdP Berlin (@GdPHauptstadt) May 25, 2019
sources: dpa, “Berliner Zeitung”
Ingolstadt, Germany: football Fans attacked a resting place, three injured
Around 30 Masked attacked on Friday two buses with Fans and employees of football-Bundesliga FC Ingolstadt. Accordingly, the Fans were in labor on the way home from the relegation play-off first leg at SV-Wiesbaden (2:1). In the case of the attack on the roadhouse Haidt-South in the vicinity of Würzburg were injured, according to FCI managing Director Franz spitzauer three passengers – one of them had to go to the emergency room. In addition, the attacker will have stolen numerous fan utensils violently. “What happened here, simply can not be. We condemn in the strongest possible terms, what did these supposed football Fans and will use all legal means to identify you,” said Spitzauer, in a communication of the Association.
source: Reuters
Munich: car drivers, breaking through barriers and injured three police officers
A motorist from Rostock created early Saturday morning with the police in Munich. Accordingly, by the man with his small several police cars and broke locks in the city centre and injured in his escape and the subsequent arrest of three officials. As the police said, had officials cordoned off after a traffic accident on the Maximilian square, the scene of the accident. The ignored, the 34-Year-old, however. Two police officers tried to stop him, but instead of stopping, the man gave Gas. Before he could be stopped in the Brienner street, he broke through another barrier of police. At the time of his arrest he resisted police, according to a violent and damaged a police car. Later, the aggressive drivers had been in front of the travel drugs.
source: “TZ”
Bad Soden: a 25-Year-old neighbors
have stabbed to death A young man is killed in the Hessian town of Bad Soden his neighbors and a bus driver with knife wounds have been hurt to. The police in Wiesbaden announced on Saturday, was attacked at the train station of this small town in the Taunus mountains in the night, a 63-year-old bus driver with a knife. The man lying in the hospital, floating but in danger to life. The police found the alleged offender, a little later, in Bad Soden. At the time of his arrest, the 25-Year-old to have his neighbor killed. In his apartment, the officers found, indeed, a corpse. Such as the police and the Prosecutor’s office said on Saturday, it was estimated that the Suspect was in his apartment, killed his 62-year-old neighbor with a knife. After that, he injured the bus driver – also with a knife.
source: AFP
Stuttgart: bus driver wants to turn and collides with a Biker
In the Stuttgart district of Vahingen came on Friday, a young motorcyclist lost his life. After a preliminary investigation, the 28-year-old Biker collided with a bus, wanted to turn his vehicle in a highway bridge. As the police announced on Friday evening, there was there an officially appointed to turn back. The motorcycle driver was not able to Dodge the Bus – he died still at the accident scene. The 58-year-old bus driver had to be in the care of Emergency pastors – passengers were not on Board.
source: the police of Stuttgart
news of Friday, 24. May
Lichtenfels: rich citizens holed up with children in a hole in the ground
In the Franconian district of Lichtenfels forces, the police have arrested on Saturday a warrant, searched the so-called Reich citizens. The man had holed himself up with his two minor children in a self-dug Dwelling. Apparently he hid for quite a long time on the site of the quarry. Until the beginning of may, the police had received Coburg’s instructions, the 50-Year-old could stay with his children in the territory in the district of Lichtenfels. As the police reported in a press release, wanted to officials of the criminal police take the search in November 2018, to met him but not at home. The second, of a helicopter squadron supported, access of a warrant wanted man was no resistance. The children had been doing well and the child welfare handed over to the police. The self-built Dwelling has been vacated and, therefore, in the meantime, and with the ground filled in.
source: police Central officeto upper Franconia
Ingolstadt: school buses injured crashing into each other, 15 primary school children
In the case of a serious bus accident 15 primary school students were injured on Friday in the vicinity of Ingolstadt (Bavaria). As the police headquarters of upper Bavaria told the North, came eight of them were hospitalized, three of them were seriously hurt, with one rescue helicopter in the clinics brought. Also, the two bus drivers were injured in the Crash. According to initial investigations, the two buses collided against 13.45 in the municipality of Glonn into each other, because one of the drivers had ignored a right-of-way rule. A verifier has been turned on, in order to determine the exact cause of the accident.
source: AFP
Bad Laasphe: 79-year-old driver of the tractor ruining freshly paved road
On a particularly annoying retired construction worker, met on Thursday in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bad Laasphe. The road workers had alerted the police, because of the 79-Year-old was riding his tractor across a freshly paved road. Of remorse, not a trace. On The Contrary. As a road roller blocked the way to the Senior with the workers. The police announced Victories, slipped the man with the foot off the clutch of his tractor and hit the roller and the knee of a worker. That he had ruined the road with his vehicle, appeared to be retired to be no matter. To take care of “instead of the damage, was turned over to the tractor, and the man moved away,” said the police.
Instead of focusing on the damage caused, applied by the 79-Year-old his tractor and Victories drove away.
©Boris Tessner DPA
source: the district police authority-Wittgenstein
Hürth: Busy bees solve large-scale use of
Because of a particularly assiduous swarm of a father of a family has triggered on Thursday in the Cologne suburb of Hürth, a large-scale operation. In a panic, the 43-Year-old police, fire Department, business office, and beekeepers, alarmed. The reason is that A swarm of beneficial insects had built within 45 minutes of an opulent Nest on his doorstep. As the police reported, was the Nest, as big as a car tire. Because he is allergic to bee stings, I can’t leave the man of the house. In addition, the desperate father of a family should have been under time pressure, because he had to pick up his son on time from daycare. The summoned beekeeper captured the busy bees finally, so that the man could leave the house, and the son of man to pick up.
source: AFP
Bochum, Germany: firefighters rescue 16 people from a burning home
16 people and several Pets fire brigade had to rescue people early Friday morning from a multi-family house in Bochum, Germany. With a turntable ladder of the rescue forces, barges, among other things, a Pregnant women who suffered in the fire, a flue gas poisoning. As the fire and rescue services should be broken out, the fire about three o’clock in the Morning. Accordingly, the flames already from the door-to-door as emergency workers at the scene of the accident arrived. Nearly an hour they needed to bring the fire under control. Paramedics took care of 27 people who had been in the house. Why the fire is in the stairwell, broken out, is now the police are investigating.
source: Feuerwehr Bochum
Duisburg: toddler dies after window fall
A small child has not survived the fall from the window of her parents ‘ apartment in the Duisburg district of Marxloh. The 13-month-old girl was killed according to the police, on Thursday evening from a window in the mezzanine in a basement finish. A rescue the child brought the car to a hospital, where it is a little later from his injuries died. The criminal police are now investigating how it could come to misfortune.
source: the police of Duisburg
Hamburg, 22-Year-old motorist attacked with Pomelo
With an unusual missile on Wednesday in Hamburg-Rissen gave a young man a motorist a huge shock. The 22-Year-old was with a Pomelo on the car of a 49-Year-olds as a bridge transit. The Attacked was able to Dodge the fist-sized citrus fruit at the last Moment, as the police reported. Happen to be on the bridge present crew of a rescue car, grabbed the pitcher and held in until the Arrival of the police. The a small amount of narcotics found in the man also. To answer to he, also, for his Dangerous interference in road traffic.
source: police of Hamburg
news of Thursday, 23. May
Wuppertal: 70-hovering-Standing after a beating attack in danger of life
A 70-year-old man has been attacked in Wuppertal, apparently, of young people and so badly injured that he is struggling in intensive care for his life. Two 14-Year-old to sit after the attack in detention, as prosecutors and police said in Wuppertal on Thursday. The two just criminal consenting young people are police and are classified as a multiple offender.
The 70-Year-old was reported on Tuesday evening with a group of young people in dispute. After the man had shown the young people from the corridor of the mitbewohnten tenement house, beat and joined at least two of them on your victims.
witnesses arrested a 14-year-old alleged main perpetrators at the scene of the crime and handed him over to the summoned police officer. The second peer Suspect was arrested on Wednesday morning. The police set up a homicide and is seeking additional witnesses to the confrontation.
source: AFP
Nuremberg: a construction worker wants to be worshipped by crane with flowers
surprise The idea was romantic – in the version it was on Wednesday night, a construction worker in the Franconian city of Nuremberg. The 40-Year-old wanted to surprise according to police, a woman with a bouquet of flowers. Witnesses observed him as he put the flowers greeting with a remote controlled crane on the balcony of his beloved. According to police, the man was during his work on the resident’s attention. After he had drunk a little bit of courage – the officials noted later, a breath alcohol level of two parts per thousand – he maneuvered the crane to the house of the woman. Which was not only very pleased but also “fully” been irritated, and I called the police. The Rejected was asked to remove himself. Instead of the hoped-for Dates he came up with a display because of a breach of the planning act, to adversity the way home.
source: AFP
local residents had heard early on Thursday morning, a loud Bang, the use of force, there is a picture of devastation
©Daniel Bockwoldt DPA offered Wohltorf: Two people after a fire missing
According to one, probably due to an Explosion triggered a house fire near Hamburg are missing two people. Even hours after the outbreak of the fire on Thursday morning, it was unclear where the residents of the house were in is probably peat in the circle Duchy Lauenburg, a police spokesman said. Local residents had heard early Thursday morning to a loud Bang. After that, the house had been in flames, the spokesman said.
the site of The fire, offered to the use of force, there is a picture of the devastation. Stones, boards, and pieces of furniture were lying on the grass, a wall was ripped out, charred bricks were slipped from the roof. During the removal of the rubble: the were very careful “not to jeopardise any Spilled,” the spokesman said.
source: REUTERS
Hamburg: Unknown claw wheels of the daily show’s chief spokesman Jan Hofer
Unknown to have removed in the night on Wednesday in the Hamburg district of Hamburg-Lokstedt, all four wheels of a Smart. The car daily show’s chief spokesman Jan Hofer belongs to. The 69-Year-old posted a Instagram Story, and a photo of the jacked small car and commented with a wink. “This Morning in front of my front door. Oh, the tires are gone”. Hofer filed a complaint against Unknown. “Image” had first reported about the incident. Accordingly, the woman who was robbed was surprised that the thieves had, of all things, picked his Smart. Hofer believed that it had acted in a “purposeful order”. Until his car is ready to go again, he would take a Taxi to the station.
View this post on Instagram
Unfortunately, this is my car. Naughty boys have stolen the wheels. Now for the first time #taxi is called for. #hamburg #rims #theft – professionals were at work. The have even put the #alarm system to a standstill.
source: REUTERS
Wismar: students deliver mass brawl
In Wismar (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) are advised on the afternoon of Wednesday, around 40 students of different schools together and have delivered a mass brawl. According to the police, three of the seventh school classes from the area of Berlin, as well as two ninth grade classes from Hamburg were involved.
Thus, around 100 young people met at the market square, where there was initially only a verbal slugfest. After each 20 students of both “camps were, however,” physically turned on each other. A total of three students were in the incident were injured. The incoming police were able to prevent further assaults, then, a first volatile group of perpetrators, it was a little later find in the area of the old town.
All of the students had to undergo an identity statement, then you have to dismiss them back to their accommodations. Furthermore, an investigation on suspicion of trespassing and assault had been launched, it says.
source: police Rostock
Leipzig: Truck run over a 20-Year-old right-turn
The series of fatal accidents with cyclists are not broken. On Wednesday afternoon a young woman was with your road bike on the cycle path on-the-go, died in Leipzig. The driver of a 7.5-ton truck wanted to turn left from a main road to the right, missed the next to him and covered the 20-Year-old with the front wheel. She died at the scene of the accident. The 57-year-old Truck driver noticed the collision first of all, apparently not, and the wheel of the victim and dragged a few meters. The police are investigating him now for negligent homicide.
source: bild.de
Plettenberg,: Intern, dozens of beer bottles in the river
emptied called To an unusual incident, a witness on Wednesday morning in Plettenberg (Märkischer Kreis) the police. They had emptied observed as a young person the contents of dozens of bottles of beer in the river Else. The officials caught the 15-year-old student interns from a food market and later on the shore. In a shopping cart they found 80 empty bottles of beer next to the rest of the boxes with unopened bottles. The information provided by the young, according to him, had asked his commanding officer to dispose of the apparently last juice of the Barley in the river. The object to this language at the time of questioning by the police. He had asked the young man about to empty the beer in the in-house drain and said it was a misunderstanding. A complaint for water pollution, he not came around yet.
source: district police authority Märkischer Kreis
Tauberbischofsheim: Missing 13-Year-old seems to be dead
discovered by A Walker on Wednesday in the vicinity of Werbach (Main-Tauber-Kreis) of a water body. According to initial findings, the police does not exclude that it is a 13-year-old girl in January in Tauberbischofsheim in the Tauber was overthrown and since then has been missing. The clothing and the size might suggest, a police spokesman. For months, among other things, a diver and a dog squad had searched unsuccessfully for the Teenagers. May the rains of the past days washed the girl’s body now on the surface of the water. Whether it is, in fact, the 13-Year-old, will now result in further identification measures and a post-mortem examination. This could take some time, police said on Thursday. So, among other things, a DNA examination was planned.
source: SWR
Bedburg: a child includes a mother and Baby in the room there is a
With a fire insert is in North Rhine-Westphalia, a children’s game come to an end. A small child was included in Bedburg-Hau near the Dutch border, his mother and a sibling in infancy in the nursery, such as the fire and rescue services. The mother was subsequently elected with the mobile phone the emergency call.
The firefighters arrived with a ladder and climbed over the roof window into the house. They were able to liberate the mother and the infant out of the locked room; both remained as well as the a little oldest.tere sibling to the child unharmed.
source: AFP
news of Wednesday, 22. May
Düsseldorf: sex offender girl attacked in apartment
The police in Dusseldorf looking for witnesses in the case of an attempted sexual offence. As the officials reported on Wednesday, rang a so far Unknown at an apartment in the district of Friedrichstadt. There he attacked a girl who opened the door for him. The child was home alone. The approach of the man values the sexual offense, which failed, ultimately, only to the opposition, and the loud scream of the girl. The man let go of him and fled from the house in a previously unknown direction. The victim remained thankfully unharmed, and agreed immediately to his mother, who informed the police. The police is now looking for witnesses.
The attacker is described as approximately 30 years old and about 1.80 metres tall. He has light skin, short black hair and a Moustache, but also have a few hairs on the chin. His eyes, the child describes as a large, but rather “flat”. He wore a loose grey Jogging pants and a black cardigan or a sweater.
source: police Düsseldorf
Rosenheim: False policeman looted Gold to the value of 500,000 Euro.
A false police officer has captured in Bavaria, gold bullion and gold coins to the value of half a Million euros. A woman passed the man on Tuesday, the valuables in the course of a trick, fraud, informed the police headquarters in upper Bavaria South on Wednesday. Therefore, scammers attempted in the Region on the day, 48 Times to get people to part with their Savings. In this very lucrative case, you had success.
according to The figures, an alleged police high Commissioner and an alleged top Prosecutor called for the middle-aged woman. They told their victims that, in the context of covert investigations in the Romanian Clan members Value portfolio and account data from it were found. The woman would have to immediately vacate your locker.
The woman had actually removed then your safety Deposit box at a Bank in Prien am Chiemsee and on a supermarket car Park to the alleged police officers passed. The’ve Packed all the Gold in a briefcase and taken to check, allegedly to the authenticity.
Only after the Injured party had a doubt and she went to the police inspection. Instant mug measures brought no success, the disappeared remained as a maintained described a 30-to 40-year-old man from the supermarket Parking lot.
source: AFP
Berlin: Three cat babies from the scrap yard
rescued Three Kittens have been rescued in Berlin in the last Minute of the scrap press. An employee discovered the tiny boy just in time behind the driver’s seat of an old car, informed the animal protection Association in Berlin on Wednesday. “The car was stopped, the small boulders have been brought to safety and called the police.”
The police confirmed the operation in an operation in the district of Tempelhof, which is already at 14. May had taken place. Investigations there is not: According to the animal protection Association in the wild cats are looking like perfect places to hide to Young to bring to the world – in this case, the scrap Mature car. The animals were two weeks old when they were found, said a spokeswoman. The mother nothing is known.
After a visit to the vet, the boys were brought to the shelter, a veterinarian takes care of the breeding. “The three have survived her life-threatening adventure,” it said. Gives the babies can’t be, requests first has to be in sight, said a spokeswoman. According to the animal protection Association, there are estimated more than 10,000 free-living cats in Berlin.
source: REUTERS
A7 in low-Aula: Truck driver with more than four per thousand on the go
With more than four alcohol breath alcohol a tractor-trailer driver in the state of Hesse has been caught. Only by luck by an other truck drivers had been prevented, a serious accident, police said in Fulda on Wednesday. Accordingly, the drunken 37-Year-old was driving on Saturday on the highway 7 in the case of low hall in serpentine lines over the roadway.
behind him, propelled a truck driver from Romania was preventing other cars from overtaking the truck and trailer, came from the right lane to the emergency lane and the middle lane of the road. The Romanian made a pass at the end of 29-Year-old on the drunken driver of the semi tractor carefully. The woman agreed then the police.
The 37-Year-old left the highway at a rest area. His colleague from Romania secured the tractor to the rear, and took the Ukrainians to the vehicle key. A breath alcohol test revealed the 4.07 per thousand.
source: AFP
Hamburg: man discovers stolen car on Ebay, and provides a thief a trap
A 36-Year-old from Rendsburg, the Mercedes has been stolen. A few days later, the man found the car on Ebay and arranged a Meeting with the alleged thief. How the “Hamburg morning post” reported, appeared the woman who was robbed Monday night with his friends at the agreed meeting place in the Hamburg district of Lurup. The group is said to have attacked the car salesman then. When the police arrived later, was already unconscious on the ground, as it is called. A bystander, a witness is said to have noticed the scuffle, and attempt to resolve the dispute. He was injured with a knife on the thigh. Another group, the friends of the witnesses rushed to the man to help.
on the whole, the car according to the police, eight strips in use, to the men brought to calm. Against the car seller to a proceeding on suspicion of handling stolen goods was initiated. The 24-Year-old was brought in, just as the uninvolved witness in a hospital. Against the 36-Year-old from Rendsburg and his three companions, is determined on suspicion of dangerous bodily injury. The vehicle was driven away before the Arrival of the police “by one or more of the previously unknown persons,” it says in a statement.
source: “Hamburger Morgenpost”/police Hamburg
Bielefeld: cyclist spat on pedestrian and occurs after your
In Bielefeld, a cyclist towards a pedestrian, violence has become active. As the police reported, the 25-Year-old along with a 20-Year-old on the sidewalk, than from the back of the 27-year-old cyclist with his followers approached. The two women had to Dodge, however, the man grazed the 25-Year-old. When asked about this, he spat on the woman twice in the face and insulted you. When she threatened him with the police, he hit on you and joined with his Rubber boots for her. Three women observed the incident and went in between. Then, the man of his victims had. The alarmed police officers found two baggies with marijuana. Against Bielefeld, a complaint has been filed because of dangerous bodily injury, and violation of the narcotics act.
source: the police of Bielefeld
Hamburg: police shoot family father
In Hamburg, was shot by the police on Wednesday morning, a man who had previously threatened his wife and their Newborn in their apartment with a knife. As the police reported, the 34-year-old Briton at the Arrival of the rescue forces on the police officers. As he did not leave after repeated requests, the knife to fall, gave one of the officers a shot. The father of a family was seriously injured and died shortly afterwards. The 32-year-old wife and the Baby were unharmed. You and the police officer concerned will now be looked after psychologically.
source: police of Hamburg
armies: Two children found lifeless in the garden pond
In the lower Saxony municipality of armies have been found on Tuesday evening two young lifeless in a garden pond. As the police reported early Wednesday morning, had the witnesses made the grisly discovery. The rescue workers tried to resuscitate the children, but without success. Whether the children came by accident killed or victims of a crime were, was initially unclear. “We are in the Moment of an accident, determine, but in all directions”, – said the speaker. The young are, according to the police, “significantly younger than ten years”. The exact age didn’t want to call a spokesman for privacy protection reasons, first of all.
the police, it was received on Tuesday evening, about 21: 30 PM a Missing person’s report for two boys. Shortly thereafter, the officers were then called to the site. NDR-according to Reports, it was the Missing. Who discovered the boys, could not say the speaker initially.
the ambulance in the vicinity of the discovery site, where in the evening the bodies of two children
©Rudolf Karliczek/ Picture-Alliance
The use of the site on private property were discovered, dragged on for several hours and was completed early Wednesday morning, according to police. In addition to the special forces of the CSU fire and emergency chaplains were in use. In the course of the Morning, the police wanted to give an Overview of the progress of the investigation.
Update, 12.30 PM: How the German press Agency reported that the two young previously reported missing children. The two were, according to the police four and seven years old. Accordingly, the four-year-old Boy lived in the neighboring house of the property with the garden pond. The seven-year-old Cousin had been to visit. Both children would probably have been a swimmer. Details of the circumstances of the accident it was initially.
source: police Salzgitter/DPA
news from Tuesday, 21. May
Kiel: Young mother on A7, 72, passed away-Year-old re-released The phone spoke
the use of a car driver in a fatal highway accident in the state of Schleswig-Holstein remains without criminal consequences. In the hearing of the appeal to the accidental death of a young mother, the Kiel regional court acquitted the 72-year-old motorist from the charge of negligent homicide. The accident had occurred in January 2017, on the A7 at the Bad Bramstedt, North of Hamburg.
It could not be ruled out, according to the accident report, and the hearing of witnesses, that the accident was independent of a possible use of mobile phones of the accused have been unavoidable, justified the judge your decision according to information of a speaker. Already, the district court of Neumünster as the first instance came about a year ago to this conclusion. The reaction time for the pensioner would have been to short.
the fatal collision, as the defendant at Tempo 120 according to one Overtaking back on the right lane one cherte, and the young mother to her car with a speed of around 60 kilometres per hour from the strip back on the road to drew. The 34-died Year old, your eight-month-old son survived with minor injuries.
source: REUTERS
Kassel: man attacked and injured a beggar
An allegedly drugged man attacked in Kassel (Hessen) on the floor-seated beggar, and hurt. According to eyewitnesses, the 29-year-old Accused initially intentionally in the past with already erbetteltem small money-filled mug of the victim go kicked over, before he attacked it with blows and kicks to the face. The a witness named suspects fled in the connection, the beggar had to be supplied according to the police, by paramedics.
Even then, the 29-Year-old had not in the handle. So he rioted in front of the residence of a well-Known and there is a damage to property committed. After the manhunt was unsuccessful, were called by the officials against midnight again to the house, where you could be the aggressive man eventually arrested.
source: police headquarters Northern Hesse,
Eschweiler: Drunken man falls from a balcony and hurt hard
In Eschweiler, near Aachen, Germany, has contracted a 33-year-old man on Monday evening in a fall from his balcony on the first floor severe injuries. As the police said, had a leaning to the obviously intoxicated man evidence so far suggests that to far over the parapet, and so the balance is lost. He then overthrew first on a canopy and then on the sidewalk.
A rescue brought the car to the seriously injured to medical treatment in a hospital. Danger to life could not be ruled out on Monday evening.
source: police Aachen
Freiburg: Historic Bicycle in front of shopping market
In Freiburg stole an Unknown stole a historic bike that had been parked in its owner only for a few minutes in front of a shopping market. At the back of the vehicle, according to police, a brown bike brand Miele, which was built about in the year 1940. Particularly striking is the so-called stamp, was a brake on the Vorderrrad.
information on this theft or the whereabouts of the individually valuable driving wheel opposite to the police station Denzlingen telephone number 07666/9383-0.
source: police in Freiburg.
Heilbronn: Skeleton human leg discovered
On Sunday evening has been found in Heilbronn, a human leg, which was already appreciated. In the course of Monday, the investigating police have then more bone parts at the site in the Neckar discoverycan cover, informed the officials on Tuesday morning. Currently, you could not say whether it was the bone of a man or a woman, they say. This is now to clarify a study in forensic medicine, in addition, the Remains should be subjected to a DNA Test. The police investigated, however, in the hard-to-reach under-wood on the river Bank to the other bone parts.
source: police of Heilbronn
Cologne: construction workers in eight-Meter-deep hole
In Cologne, spilling a construction worker into a more than eight-Meter-deep construction pit is buried and his colleagues had been rescued. “Fortunately, the upper part of his body stood out even from the ground, and he could not be freed through the help of his colleagues in the plight,” said the fire on Tuesday morning. Previously, was broken, according to the rescuers, a carrier planks wall at least in part. The man had worked in the pit and had been buried by Planks and earth.
After the man, whose exact age was not initially known, was brought out of the pit, he came for the sake of safety in a hospital. Severe injury he had, according to the rescue workers.
Munich: police are searching for three schools after threats
The police has three schools in Munich after threats by addiction. On Tuesday morning an E-Mail was received whose content is allowed according to police sources, “a possible threat by a single person”. Two grammar schools in the immediate vicinity, there was a major police operation, which was completed in the morning without result.
The students were not yet in school buildings. For you to be a danger, therefore, was not, at any time. After a decision of the school Board, the schools remained closed on Tuesday. The oral Abitur examinations were in order.
another police operation in the delivery of a third school, after it had given the police information is a reference to a dangerous subject. The school grounds has been cordoned off. In the building, no students were. In all cases, police investigations.
source: AFP
weather: Deep “Axel” provides for heavy rain and many inserts
Axel has” Deep “taken care of on Monday evening and in the night to Tuesday in several German States for heavy rains. In Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia had fallen in six hours, sometimes up to 50 liters of rain, said a graduate meteorologist Christina memory by the German weather service (DWD) early Tuesday morning. There, it was raining on Tuesday morning, is still strong.
In the foothills of the Alps have also reported several stations from four to nine litres per hour, “that’s neat,” said memory. A lot of rain, the DWD also recorded further to the North. “From Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and lower Saxony, the duration of goodbye rain, but slowly,” said memory.
Monday’s Thunderstorms and heavy rains had settled down in many places in Germany damage and the use of forces stand in readiness. In Helmstedt (lower Saxony) had to be evacuated to a hospital because of water damage. The “Central German newspaper” reported that a ceiling of the Helios hospital has collapsed, after on the roof because of a clogged downpipe rain water had jammed.
In the state of Baden-Württemberg sparked the city of Wangen im Allgäu high water alarm. The river Obere Argen, which flows through the city, have exceeded the trigger level for the Alarm of 2.30 meters at 1.30 p.m., said a spokesman for the city. The authorities set a high-water-use plan bags in force for the distributed sand and a citizen established phone as well as a live Ticker.
In the Bavarian town of Aurach, a car came on the rain wet highway 6 into a Skid, went off the roadway and became wedged in an adjacent forest between two trees. The man died at the scene of the accident. In the Allgäu, a train was blocked track, because on the tracks due to heavy rains, a protective wall should be built.
Multiple levels in Bavaria, arrived in the night the alarm level 3 out of 4 to be expected in the case of Flooding of individual built-up land or the occasional traffic restrictions are. Local meteorologists had expected, even with water Levels the highest warning level not reached until early in the Morning, however.
In the Saarland and in Rhineland-Palatinate, Axel” to storm-like gusts and some ooded basements led “. Also in the state of Hesse, some of the cellars were under water and some roads had to be closed in the meantime. Highway 4 between Herleshausen (Hesse) and Gerstungen (Thuringia) had to be locked in one direction due to a flooded roadway. Also in Thuringia, several cellars were full, and there are several gyms and a youth club.
Further North in Germany, especially flash employee blows the use of force. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania were flashes of lightning, on the Baltic sea island of Rügen and in the municipality of Gnevkow each with a thatched roof on fire. Both houses were after the fire is uninhabitable. In Berlin a short but violent Thunderstorm on Monday afternoon for a state of emergency in the fire service, which due to the weather, around had to 180 Times of disengagement.
Also on Tuesday, the DWD expected with continuous rain and storms. “The rain is passing then gradually to the South of Germany,” said memory. In Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and lower Saxony, the situation had already relaxed, in West Germany, this will happen in the course of the day. Only in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, it should be expected by Wednesday morning with strong to intense rain.
news from Germany from Monday, 20. May
Munich: Truck driver misses eleven-year-old cyclist
In Munich took place on Monday afternoon a fatal accident between a Truck and an eleven-year-old cyclist. As the Munich tabloid “tz” reported, citing the police drove the Boy into the city and used in the designated and marked cycle route. The 61-year-old driver of the Truck was, therefore, in the same direction.
At an intersection, it then came to the momentous misfortune: While the child wanted to go straight, turned to the Truck driver to the right and overlooked the Eleven-year-old. It came to a clash. The Boy was then with severe injuries in a hospital, where he died, however, a little later. One of the reviewers should now clarify the exact course of a road accident.
source: “tz”
Hamburg: parent forget a baby in a Taxi
you are likely to the shock of her life have suffered: In Hamburg have freshly baked parents for a few days-old Baby on the way from the hospital in their own Wapartment in a taxi, forget it. Even the taxi driver noticed his blind passenger, first of all, the police announced on Monday. Accordingly, another passenger, and rose later at the airport for a new Tour in the Taxi, said only the driver on the Baby on his back. The parents, as well as the driver alerted police and provided a family reunification.
The incident occurred therefore a few days ago on the journey of the family from the birth clinic. The parents and their first child were dangers with your offspring, take a Taxi home, but had not thought when to get Off and Pay the kid. The parents are running after the leaving the car, has not reached it however. Then they agreed immediately, by emergency call to the police.
Since the infant was perfectly still, and according to the officials suspected of “sleep of the Blessed enjoyed”, said the taxi driver with him in the first place. The man put down his car for a lunch break and went back to eat, returned and took a Tour from Hamburg airport. There in his Taxi boarding passenger had shown “a bit confused” about the unusual “driving community”.
He pointed the driver to the Baby, and now, apparently, woke up and started to scream. The taxi driver informed the police. This brought together parents and child.
source: AFP
Günzach: 27-Year-old dies on football pitch
In the Bavarian town of Günzach in the Ostallgäu, a 27 died-Year-old on Saturday in the football Hobby. The police announced, would have played the man together with friends on the football field. Then he would have felt uncomfortable and at the edge of the field set. “That’s where he lost the consciousness and died on the football field”, the officers. First responders on-site, alerted paramedics and a helicopter eingeflogener paramedics could not revive again the thus.
source: police Presidium of Swabia/South West
Düsseldorf: man lands on car in pit Fullscreen
In Düsseldorf, a 77-landed-Year-old with his car in a pit
©David Young/ Picture-Alliance
A 77-Year-old is in Düsseldorf with his car in a pit of dangers and got stuck. The police announced, could free the driver on Monday morning, even out of the car, but was brought in as a precaution to a hospital. The man went off the roadway and slammed into boxes several Electricity pylons and barriers, before he finally landed in the pit on the opposite carriageway. The police according to their own statements, that health problems from the driver to the accident led.
Berlin: men’s body in Park found Fullscreen
forensic technicians and the police backing tracks in a forest in the Treptower Park in Berlin
©Annette Riedl DPA
In Berlin, passers-by discovered in a Park, the corpse of a man. They found the dead on the Sunday lunch in one of the bushes in the Treptower Park, the police announced in the evening. The investigators of a possible homicide.
the identity of The man was initially unclear. The homicide took up investigation.
source: AFP
save Bach: Explosion in Wohnhaus – seven-year-old recovered dead
After an Explosion in a residential building in the Eastern allgäu region, the rescue forces have the body of a seven-year-old recovered. “The 7-Year-old child was recovered just. Unfortunately, only the death could be ascertained,” said the Bavarian Red cross (BRK) is on Twitter. Furthermore, the Bayerische Rundfunk (BR) reported. The forces had searched after the Explosion, according to the girl.
#breaking NEWS to #Bach rescue: The 7-Year-old child was recovered just. Unfortunately, only the death could be ascertained. After a busy, sweaty night in a very unpleasant outcome for all Involved. #brk @br24 @tagesschau
— Sohrab Taheri-Sohi (@sohrab_taheri) May 20, 2019
In the night to Monday assistant barges in the ruins of a dead, to the missing 42-year-old father of the girl could act, a police spokesman said. On Sunday, forces the 39-year-old girl’s mother and wife of Missing persons seriously injured from the rubble were rescued.
the cause of The Explosion that destroyed the three-storey house in a residential area on Sunday morning, completely, was on Monday morning remains unclear. The criminal investigation determined.
a Total of up to 350 forces had searched on the Sunday after the Missing. After the evacuation of the remains of the roof with heavy equipment, the helpers with the hands had to continue to work up to it. The 50 helpers for the whole night remained in use. A crisis intervention team took care of Sufferers and residents.
The Detonation was so violent that it damaged an adjacent house heavy and two other houses easily. 15 neighbours had to leave their homes and were housed in spare quarters. Initially, the police had feared that in the Explosion, seven people has been lost could be because so many people were reported as living in the house. In addition to the seven-year-old, the two sons of the 39-Year-old and the 42-Year-old in the house, they were living at the time of the Explosion, but not there. In addition, a childless Couple was in the house discovered, in fact, only a woman there, who was not at home when it came to the Explosion, but lives.
Bayern, Rettenbach: forces and areas, a destroyed house, rubble aside
©Karl-Josef Hildenbrand DPA
source: dpa, BRK (Twitter), Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
Leipzig: bus crash on A9: blocking partially
repealed After serious bus crash on highway 9 in Leipzig, the roadway in the direction of Berlin is released again. How long is the suspension on the other carriageway remains still exist, is still not in sight, said a police spokesman early Monday morning. The forces were busy with the salvage of the bus.
accident in Leipzig Deadly bus crash on the A9 – motorway police expresses conjecture about the cause of the accident, DPA,
In the accident on Sunday at least one person had died and seven more very seriously injured. All 75 occupants of the bus were more or less injured, informed the police in the night. The condition of the wounded, the police were able to make initially, no details were provided. According to police, no other car was involved in the accident. The Bus company Flixbus was killed in an accident early in the evening on the A9 in direction of Munich and then on the page are remained.
source: Reuters
Taufkirchen: bus driver dies in accident in Bavaria
With a been killed in collision with a car in Taufkirchen (Landkreis München) is the 48-year-old driver of a bus. The car and the Bus crashed on Sunday evening at an intersection, the police announced. The 48-Year-old was injured so severely that she died at the scene of the accident. Passengers at the time of the accident was not in the Bus. Rescuers brought the 28-year-old driver of the car and his 27-year-old passenger injured in a hospital. To the Severity of their injuries the police could not.
source: Reuters
news from Germany the week of January 13. May to 18. In may 2019, you can read here:
news from Germany at Least one dead and 13 seriously injured in bus crash on A9
Leipzig: Fatal bus crash on the A9 +++ stream: Explosion save in house +++ Bad Saulgau: Two Dead in skydiving +++ news from Germany.
fs / mod / jek / js / DPA / AFP