What comes to mind when you think of “home”? At Security? Cohesion? Joy? Or fears of loss? To Worry About? Home is a term with many facets. And no matter what you think of: Horst Seehofer, who has the responsibility for all of our notions of home.
For a year he is the home Minister, he pounded on it, to establish the Department in the interior Ministry. Seehofer is a leader in charge, to bring home and policy. What grabs his Ministry in the year and implemented? The resort came from the Part at all.
The home Ministry is for the Grand coalition is a project with great height and could be for the citizens, but to the coalition’s work. All the Federal ministries of the Union and the SPD are involved in the “home”Department of the Federal Ministry of the interior, in order to draw conclusions for its policy. What is the date? And what do the voters have?
wanted to find out the star. And found on demand to the home Ministry and other Federal ministries: The “H”-Department, there is still a lack of employees, there is still no draft law was presented (and none is planned), and other ministries only tight-lipped on the common “home”-Mission. Thus, the self-declared goal, to create equivalent living conditions in Germany and to get? In five chapters, we tell the story of how Horst Seehofer and the Grand coalition are looking for the feeling of being at home.
The Chapter at a Glance:
cause: the idea of Home in the mind: the “home-strategy”belly thing: the “tour of Germany”is a fact? The influence on other ministries the main thing: the Result1. Cause: the idea of the home
“sense of home comes from the various sources of individual and emotional nature. It is not a plan and not force it. But there are conditions that make it easier for people to feel at home. An essential requirement is to be perceived and recognised.”
Horst Seehofer, described his idea of a sense of home in a guest contribution to the “Handelsblatt”. He wrote that he wanted to created create these “conditions”, not the “feeling of the left one.” But recognition for his efforts would of course be nice, too. “I’m going to in the summer of 70, and it would be a good date to present the success,” he said, in turn, the “mirror”.
For Seehofer is of concern to the home Ministry a heart that could be his legacy. Shortly before dawn, he pushed through the Ministry. At that time he was party leader of the CSU. It was the last night of the coalition negotiations, which he describes in retrospect as “bizarre”. “The a slept back there on the ground, the Chancellor disappeared with a ceiling in another room, others were playing cards, I’ve peeled a lot of oranges and tangerines and ate it.”
And he negotiated the “H” as the Department in the Federal Ministry of the interior (BMI). “H” as home. Or “H” as Horst. The SPD insisted on the Foreign and Finance Ministry, two powerful ministries. “There has pulled CSU back and said: We have explained throughout the election campaign, we want the interior Ministry,” he told the “mirror”. “So we return to our Position. With construction and home. So we went to the Chancellor. 100 posts for home we took the same. The we needed to.”
you See ten secrets about Horst Seehofer in the
On the 14. March 2018 was the “organisational decree of the Federal Chancellor” (BKOrgErl 2018) and Horst Seehofer got his “H”. The staff he still needs. Of the 144,5 approved plan for the part of the largest Department in the resort, in the BMI – 114,5 occupied, says a spokeswoman for the star. At The End Of March 2019. But “there are many applications.” The Department “H”, you can also use each employee.
According to the organisation plan of the BMI Department is responsible for the equivalence of the conditions of life, to call social cohesion and Integration, spatial planning, demographic change, combating anti-Semitism, Jewish life, the German Islam conference, national minorities in Germany, regional and cultural identity, support systems, Geoinformation services … some examples. “H” like a lot of work.
2. Head thing: the “home-strategy”
home and policy, politics and home – how to convert a feeling into political Action? Apparently, not with laws: The “home”Department in the Federal Ministry of the interior (BMI) has so far not submitted a single draft law in the Bundestag. This was confirmed by a BMI spokeswoman for the star. And: “There will be in ten years, no law of the home Department,” says Seehofer. A year after the creation of the Federal Ministry of the interior, construction and home – so the full Name of the super Ministry – still the question: What power, then, actually, the home Ministry?
“Super-Ministry of the interior” Dahoam for Germany: What is the role of Horst Seehofer’s home Ministry?
On the 19. March of this year, has been presented by the BMI to a first water level. The “balance sheet since March, 2018”, the title of the paper consists of 13 pages of A4. The Chapter “the home of strategy” and “strengthening the cohesion of our society” fit on three pages. It is a preview rather than a first success. This is likely to be due to the fact that here is “evaluated” and there “” will be developed. In other words, The BMI and find out where it is for equivalent living conditions in Germany must begin. “Make home possible,” says Seehofer. “That the people can live there, you want to live where, and not forced for structural reasons to migrate.”
Therefore, without a doubt, the heart of the home-Mission, the Seehofer in row 561 of the coalition agreement left write: the “joint Commission ‘Equivalent living conditions’ from the Federal government, the länder and the municipalities”. It meets in September, and is – in theory – a cross-departmental round table, on which all the ministries and provinces to sit. There visions are to be developed for equivalent living conditions for all German, says a spokeswoman for the star. The management of the Department “H” – and Horst Seehofer, the Chancellery and Angela Merkel. Until July 2019, the Board shall submit a report. Then, “to be implemented, the first proposals of the Commission already in this legislature, but also in addition, and long-term effect.” More concretely, the BMI is not. The fact remains: In July, a report will be available, the concrete Handlungsvorschläge power is traded would have to be still.
work is also nothing Less than the “re-measurement of the country”, in the Form of the “Germany Atlas”. He is to be a cartographic inventory of the Situation in the regions in Germany. “He will be the basis for future decisions on spatial planning, infrastructure and funding measures,” said the BMI. Like the look of? A spokeswoman: “The regional representation (at the municipal or County level) for up to 60 individual indicators reflect different areas of living conditions of the people (e.g. economy, work, General interest, infrastructures, social issues)”. The result is, apparently, a lot of colorful cards, to allow for the “consideration and discussion of ‘equivalence’ in the regional context”. The “Germany Atlas” is scheduled to be completed in may 2019. Re: waiting for results.
Also, a “Commission of experts of the Federal government to the framework conditions of integration,” in February 2019 and is expected to present by mid-2020, a report. In the research centre of the Federal office for Migration and refugees (BAMF), commissioned by the BMI, integration of evaluated courses””. Here, too, to mid-2022, a report with results is available. A first interim report is already there, the star knows some of the indents thereof:
< p > participation in the integration course has a positive effect on the acquisition of the German language.The younger escape immigration a lot more people with refugee backgrounds as, for example, EU migrants in the courses.The “multiple problem” affecting the successful and rapid language acquisition. The show, especially in the literacy courses: Here the Reaching of the as had already been said to values of level A2 as a success – which also defines the Curriculum as the objective of the course.If women participate in the integration course, cut better than men.
But also from these (and other) knowledge must then be drawn conclusions.
in Addition, Seehofer wants to discuss “before the summer break, 2019” on a two-day working meeting, with representatives of the Islam associations, as it is possible to come to concrete models for publicly funded training programs for imams and Islamic religious officials in Germany. A spokeswoman: “The Federal Minister of the interior and the BMI understand this policy as an active and key contribution to the strengthening of social cohesion.” In addition, they wanted to bring “jobs to people”. Therefore, you will create such districts, over a period of ten years, at least 5,000 jobs in “structurally weak” Coal. How, exactly, but it is also still unclear.
Many of the large tasks that need to be revealed with a small budget tackled. Of the total planned budget for 2024 for the BMI, the increases to over 16 billion euros, a fraction of 0.3 of a percentage (that would be about forty to fifty million Euro) to the “home”Department. The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported, and is denied by the BMI or confirmed. But anyway, no Problem, “The home policy relates to many areas of BMI,” says a spokeswoman for the star, “she finds herself again, therefore, in many Places in the budget.” It references the fact that “the home Department (…) concepts are developed, the basis shall be the policy of the entire Federal government.”
3. Belly thing: the “tour of Germany”
So much for the hard facts. What is with the soft? Home, which is Essentially a gut feeling. A Central question is therefore: How much (-) feeling of the competent Minister Horst Seehofer shows? The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” asked in this connection:
“drove Horst Seehofer over the country, to see, to experience what is going on? He has shown there, where it hurts, politically? Where people do not clap, but in a critical view, when Berlin’s politicians show up? The interested him at all – to feel what it is like for people who turn away?”
The perceived truth is: Should this be the case, it has been noticed, at least, hardly anyone.
That’s about to change. Horst Seehofer is located since the end of March on a “journey through the States, my trip to Germany” in order to discuss with citizens “and to gain an immediate insight from your Worries and troubles”. He wrote in his commentary for the “Handelsblatt”. The Roadmap? A spokeswoman: “all States” until the end of 2024. First stop was of Anhalt Bernburg, in Saxony -. “So-is to ensure that the Federal power Ministry of the interior of his home policy from the green table in Berlin, but the Situation on the ground oriented,” says a spokeswoman for the star. Target Seehofer’s a “representative survey” about the situations in town and country was to derive from it possible “need for action”.
It would react to exciting, like the “political decision-makers on the ground” – plane which Seehofer also talks on a possible Intervention of the home Minister. What are the wishes and needs of the citizens therefore keyword: “need for action would be dealt with (“). And if the “sense of home” and Horst Seehofer fit together at all: a sense of security and Cohesion were not necessarily the emotions that you last connected with Seehofer. One thinks, for example, of the coalition dispute over Hans-Georg Maaßen, or his unfortunate statements about the deportation of 69 Afghans on his 69. Birthday.
See you reactions on Horst Seehofer’s controversial Statement in the
such As the journey of Seehofer, will always be “communicated in a timely manner”. The Format promises to exchange and close is actually a Win-win Situation for politicians and voters. It only remains to hope that Seehofer neglected this Dialog as his, as predicted, the exchange on Twitter: tweeting On the Account of the BMI (HS), its abbreviation, irregular. “@der_Seehofer,” his private Account, has been discontinued since September 2018 only two Tweets, the last on 19. January.
4. Fact? The influence on other ministries
“Our work has little to do with emotions,” says, of all things, Michael Frehse, in turn, head of the Department of “H”. His Definition of “home” goes like this: “When we speak of ‘home’, then it goes to infrastructure, to culture, to General interest. Very hand to be taken a fixed structure policy decisions,” he said in August 2018, the editorial network Germany (RND). As an example, he cited the RND such as better transport links, to make “the surroundings of the Boom regions of the already existing bacon belt, in addition to attractive ()”.
infrastructure, Culture, General interest – and there are already areas of expertise, and sometimes ministries. Why the need for the home Ministry? “Our home policy,” says Seehofer in his balance sheet of paper, “relates to and affects the work of all Federal ministries.” Demand in the case of ministries, the need to know.
The Federal Ministry of labour and social Affairs (SPD) feels, apparently, not addressed. The question of influence, it should be the home Minister, a spokeswoman.The Federal Ministry for economic Affairs and energy (CDU) explained that the term “home” is multi-layered. However, if the issue of affordable living conditions, Housing, or equivalent: “In all these areas, we work well together,” said a spokeswoman. Why? This would show the “successfully completed” residential summit, and “the establishment” of the Commission, for “Equal living conditions”.Also at the Federal Ministry for the environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety (SPD) work together “in various fields” with the BMI, a spokeswoman. With the home area, you would for example, “in connection with the Commission of ‘Equivalent living conditions’ in contact”. A concrete information about the cooperation it could not be.The Federal Ministry of transport and digital infrastructure (CSU) is also involved in the Commission of “Equivalent living conditions” and directs the technical working group “Technical infrastructure” in the BMI. This will work out “response papers” to: “transport infrastructure and mobility”, “broadband”, “mobile supply”. But the votes of the individual topics “not yet, a spokesperson to be completed.”The Federal Ministry of justice and consumer protection (SPD) does not want to overstate the self-understanding of the home Ministry. “Home policy is a cross-sectional task which affects all ministries,” according to a spokeswoman. The coalition agreement see “expressly” to ensure equivalent living conditions in town and country. The spokeswoman also refers to a Statement by the Minister of justice: “Look, we’re all on the home policy. (…) Keyword, home Ministry: the objectives have to be clearly defined,” said Katarina Barley of the “New osnabrück newspaper”.And the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, senior citizens, women and youth (SPD) working “closely” with the BMI, according to a spokesman. As an example, the Commission is called the “Equivalent living conditions” – here, the Federal Minister for family Affairs, Giffey Co-Chairman.5. The main thing: the result
home. So what does this mean? Which political order can be derived from it? What is the home policy is and what it needs? These are Central questions to which the home Ministry is part of looking for answers.
A Commission to prepare concrete proposals for “Equivalent living conditions” in Germany, Horst Seehofer wants to pursue a “Germany tour” the gut feeling of the citizens, the city and country regions, so to speak, in a cartographic inventory under the magnifying glass and you want to bring jobs to the people. How that is evaluated to a large extent with Reports, “” and “developed”. As the actions to look at, there is still no answer. Not of the “H”-Department, which is still in construction, but also not the Grand coalition. Striking: The home Ministry sees his work as “the basis of (…) the policy of the entire government”. There is no draft from the home Ministry are planned.
Horst Seehofer means home, therefore work, and, apparently, not too little. Alone: How can the home Department, if other ministries to implement its proposals for action? Another Problem Seehofer has the feeling of being at home named, of all things. “It is not a plan and not force.”
What do you mean by “home”? What do you think of Federal home Ministry? And how do you rate the work of the sub-departments? You tell us in an E-Mail to leseraufruf@stern.de. We look forward to your opinion.
sources: BMI, BMI – “the balance sheet since March 2018”, BMI – organization plan, the Commission “Equivalent living conditions”, the “Handelsblatt” (a guest contribution), “der Spiegel”, “Süddeutsche Zeitung”, “editorial network Germany” (RND), “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”, Twitter (BMI), Twitter (Horst Seehofer), organisational decree of the Federal Chancellor in 2018, the coalition agreement 19. Legislature, BMAS, BMWi, BMU, BMVI, COMMENTED, BMFSFJ
do you See reactions to the controversial “returnees campaign” of the home Ministry in