From “A” like Angelina Jolie or Amal Clooney on “H” such as Heidi Klum and Helene Fischer to “Z” like Zac Efron and Zara Philips: In the world of celebrities is always something going on. If, now, the couples find, babies are born with, or divorces go on the stage – every day there is exciting news from the world of Stars and starlets to be reported. Not only national, but also international Stars, Royals and Reality TV cast members are of interest to us.
“VIP”: the most Important news from the world of the Stars
in order To not lose the Overview, it holds the star in this daily updated “VIP”-track of important events in the celebrity world to date, and shows you photos that you have seen. Click through the image gallery.
See you in may, jum, sst, ls, che, maf