in trouble about spoiled anticipation: Because he will have to reveal Details about the plot of the super hero epic “the Avengers: Endgame”, is a US Football Star LeSean McCoy (30) in the centre of an outrage in the social media. On the petition page “” calls for a movie Fan even to terminate the contract of the running back with his club for the Buffalo Bills.

The Star of the National Football League (NFL) had viewed the movie on Friday with his son, as he reported on Saturday via Twitter. After that, he should follow gespoilert a crucial scene from the long-awaited Marvel Film in three Posts on his channel () to have betrayed the 730 000 Fans, as numerous US media reported. A Twitter user wrote: “LeSean McCoy stands high in the (Twitter)Trends, because he spoilert #Avengers endgame. Don’t look fact, on his Twitter Account, I like it! The Film is ruined.”

Also from an Instagram Video of the speech, in which McCoy should have spread about the plot of the latest Avengers adventure. Many Followers responded with outrage. LeSean McCoy’s entries were no longer online on Monday, he spoke first to the allegations.

On Wednesday was the three-hour Action movie than before the last part of the Marvel film adaptations in theaters started. The Directors, Anthony and Joseph Russo, had on 16. April posted on Twitter under the Hashtag #DontSpoilTheEndgame a letter to their Fans: they explicitly ask to not reveal any of the scenes.

The Disney production starred on her first weekend in North American cinemas 350 million dollars (314 million euros), as the industry page, “the Hollywood Reporter” reported – was not a new release.



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