Photos: facebook.com/moantiquities
Egyptian security authorities had found a repository of artifacts that was hidden from all within 60 years. The treasures of power learned, with the information about the plans of the robbers to open the hiding place, according to RIA Novosti.
state security Officers with the tourist police received a tip that near the town of Sakara South of Cairo, some criminals are planning to Rob the vault of historical values, has organized investigation.
as a result of the inspection it was found previously unstudied repository of artifacts from the tomb of dignitary of Ancient Egypt Ptahhotep I in Sakar. According to experts, the cache has not been entered in the register storages of the Ministry of antiquities.
according to experts, the open storage consists of two rooms that are adjacent to the tomb. The rooms have wooden doors, one of which was found the signature of the inspector who closed it in 1960. Among artefaktov found in store, includes 12 sarcophagi with mummies, and various historical items of great value.
a punishment for thieves who were planning a robbery, not yet reported.
Earlier it became known that the South-West of the Crimean Peninsula, the archaeologists during the excavation of one of the Scythian graves found made of precious metals. Currently, the artifacts are sent for processing and will be submitted at a later date.
Another major discovery was made by the Chinese archaeologists who discovered 200 clay soldiers in the Chinese province of Shaanxi. It is noted that this site previously found the first underground terracotta army.
see also
Archaeologists have discovered in Moscow, the site of the old rybakovskaya archaeologists have studied the ancient Park in the Elbrus region