Boris Johnson has bet all the Brexit, and is aware that his efforts frighten in the election date of December 12, a handful of conservative moderate, that is to be passed to the ranks of the Liberal Democratic Party or refrain. Focus your efforts on the voters labour of the centre and the north of England who supported the exit of the Uk from the EU and that today feel disenchanted with the ambiguity of Jeremy Corbyn.

The prime minister and the leader of the opposition staged this Wednesday, a stark control session in the House of Commons that it was all a foretaste of what will be the next six weeks. “Why the hell should suffer the citizens in the coming year, which was destined to be a year of glorious, the toxic and tedious dullness of two referenda more, as intended by the Labour Party?”, has cried Johnson, who begins again to lay hold of the tactics of half-truths. It is true that Corbyn has committed, if he wins, to try to negotiate a new agreement on the Brexit with the EU and submitting it to a popular consultation. But the second referendum to which you made reference to Johnson was the new vote for the independence promised by the nationalist scots, that the leader labour has not supported.

The prime minister seeks to portray himself as the politician who finally will leave behind three years of endless debate and will remove the Uk from the EU. And looking at the same time portray Corbyn as the rival who doesn’t have their ideas clear, and only intended to delay ad eternum that decision.


The labour announcing its support for the advance poll that asks Johnson Michel Barnier: “The Uk will cost to assume the consequences of Brexit”

There is a whole strategy behind that message so simple. The team of Johnson and knows that he is very far from victory. The latest poll from YouGov gives the conservatives a support of 36%, compared to 23% of the labour. In theory, they could breathe a sigh of relief. But none of you forget that when the former prime minister, Theresa May, decided to bring forward the elections in 2017 polls gave 44%, 16 points ahead of their rivals. The vote counted, the advantage was reduced to 2.5% and the conservatives lost their comfortable majority enjoyed in the House of Commons. And the purpose of this play policy unfortunate was the same as now: to seek a reinforcement of the legitimacy to take forward the Brexit.

Johnson has to lose at least 20 seats in the constituencies of conservative and moderate, that could lean towards a party, clearly the defender of the EU as a Liberal Democrat. “Times are political very volatile and in these moments no longer serve the lessons of the past”, said Tuesday the leader of the formation, Jo Swinson, aware that there may be the big surprise of the 12 of December, but also that the balloon can be deflated in the next few weeks.

The campaign conservative will focus on the areas of the north and centre (Midlands) of England, where the vote in favour of the Brexit in a referendum in 2016 was greater than the average in the rest of the country. Fiefdoms traditionally labour, Johnson is confident that the claim of the out —by-end— of the EU to change sides to many of these voters. An analyst and sociologist election as prestigious as John Curtice wrote in The Times that “there are now up to 50 seats, traditionally labour that could fall on the conservative side. To accomplish all of those would more than compensate for other losses”, and it would give Johnson a parliamentary majority.

Jeremy Corbyn will attempt again the strategy that allowed him to give a hit in 2017. Ranked second, but matched in practically votes to Theresa May. The majoritarian electoral system, the british (unlike the proportional, winning by a single vote in any constituency, given the only seat available) saved then the conservative of a situation desairada.

The leader of labour he was playing then with a double advantage: it just took two years at the head of the party and the foundations that will boosted maintained the enthusiasm. And above all, there was a widespread feeling that the Brexit was already a matter settled.

why don’t you devoted little time to the matter, and his message was deeply ideological, denouncing the social inequalities that had brought years of economic austerity.

His team is confident that, in the period of six weeks, that same message again resound in the ears of the voters. “We all know that the selfish interests of the 1% of those at the top are those who control the Uk. Our Government works only for the ultra rich. They have the media in your pocket and the whole system is rigged so that their lives are better and our worse. It is not fair. But we can achieve that is fair,” she wrote Wednesday in a first letter to the voters labour. And that is why he chose with care, during the control session, the subject with which it aims to hit time and time again to Johnson throughout the campaign. He accused the prime minister of having already prepared plans to privatise the National Health Service.


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