WAUQUIEZ – After the resignation of Laurent Wauquiez of the presidency to the Republicans, the question of his succession arises. Larcher, Bertrand, Pécresse… Several names are circulating.

on Monday morning, The Republicans find themselves without a leader after the resignation on the eve of Laurent Wauquiez. The one who remained only one year and five months at the head of the right-wing party believed that it was necessary that he “take [s}es responsibilities”, a week after the collapse of the european. “Basically, to put it quite simply : the victories are collective, and the failures are solitary. It is like this,” he explained on TF1, referring to a decision “well-reasoned” and “indispensable” to his eyes. It must be said that the pressure weighing on the shoulders of Laurent Wauquiez was heavy, it was at the initiative of the choice of François-Xavier Bellamy, the head of the list largely defeated on may 26.

Now, it should be about who will replace the president of the region Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. If the spectre of a return of Nicolas Sarkozy, who has still not responded officially since the defeat of the european, has of course emerged, a few of the names most likely to have emerged. Quite naturally came the name of Gérard Larcher. The experienced chairman of the LR group in the Senate has the advantage for him to know the house – he is a member of the party since 1976 – and a political line which brings.

Xavier Bertrand is always popular on the right

This Tuesday, we’ll know more perhaps because Gérard Larcher had planned that day, before the formalization of the resignation of Laurent Wauquiez, a meeting to rethink the party of the right. The other name cited, that of Xavier Bertrand, secretary general of the UMP, from 2008 to 2010. The president of the region Hauts-de-France had also left the party during the investiture of Laurent Wauquiez in 2017. Without a label since, it keeps a popularity very solid at the right. LCI cites a survey of the Observatory Elabe, according to which it is the second personality favorite, behind Nicolas Sarkozy, among right-wing supporters.

A credibility of natural Valérie Pécresse not reached perhaps not yet, but this does not prevent it from being cited as a candidate credible. That could be the second woman to lead the party after Michelle Alliot-Marie was not private, in the aftermath of the european, to say that”instead” of Wauquiez, she would resign. Guillaume Peltier, or even Bruno Retailleau are also part of the candidate cities.

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