Photos: Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

“Mail of Russia” will take all the pensions and benefits home due to the coronavirus. About it reports Agency “Moscow” with reference to the press service of the company.

“In the period of unfavorable epidemiological situation “Mail of Russia” does everything that the Russians could stay home. In April, the postman will bring pensions and benefits to all recipients in the house”, – stated in the message.

the company explained that currently, only about 8% of citizens personally come for the payments in liaison offices. In April, the postman will deliver all pensions and allowances on the due date payments.

For the delivery of commodities from the range of post offices, citizens can call the contact centre 8-800-1-000-000. At the same number the residents of the regions can request the payment of utility bills, communications from the postmen.

From March 21, “Mail of Russia” has stopped the message from 15 countries, which temporarily stopped the processing of international mail due to the coronavirus. The company noted that it intends to resume receiving shipments after the removal there restrictions.

Total worldwide, according to who, the number of people infected with coronavirus has already exceeded 750 thousand people, more than 36 thousand died. In Russia recorded 2337 patients.

Five elderly patients with COVID-19 died in Moscow

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