Update of 28. July 2019: Even months after the attack by a single perpetrator on the Easter worship of a Croatian Catholic parish in the St. Paul’s Church in Munich, the incident makes headlines. On Saturday, 20. April, a Somali counter-21.30 stormed the house of God. He threw stones into the Church and screamed loudly. Through the turmoil and mass panic among the nearly 1,000 people, nine people were injured, four of them came to the hospital.
The Croatian magazine Fenix now reports about the incident and a vigil of the Munich-based AfD-Bundestag deputies Petr Bystron in front of St. Paul’s Church. At the vigil (the Bystron held, in part, in the Croatian language), there was massive disturbance by counter-demonstrators, as a Youtube Video demonstrates.
Bystron says in the Fenix-Interview: “From the Croatian community have achieved a lot of positive reactions. The people were very grateful that someone has set for you, and your suffering has pointed out. The members of the Croatian community were previously intimidated very. Some have reported that they have not been interrogated by the police, but were asked to speak with anyone about this attack, not even with the press. Accordingly, they were intimidated.” A serious accusation! A request to the police has made our online editorial team.
+ Petr Bystron, member of the German Bundestag, AfD, Munich.© picture alliance / Matthias Balk/dpa
Wants to take advantage of the AfD, the incident in the mood to do? Against this accusation Bystron processed in the Fenix-Interview: “I wanted to work for the Croatian community in Munich. Munich is my constituency, and I have built a lot of nice family vacations a special relationship with Croatia. Also this summer we will spend in Croatia, and I guess the people there.”
+ the Interview with The AfD deputies Petr Bystron in the Croatian magazine “Fenix”.© Fenix attack on Easter mass: These priors had the Somalis
the fact is that The Somalis, which caused a mass panic, has a considerable criminal record Register. In the answer of the Bavarian Ministry of the interior on requests for the AfD in the Landtag deputies, Franz Bergmüller and Richard Graupner says:
“The suspect was on the 19th. February 2015 by the Munich district court for grievous bodily harm, to imprisonment for a term of 9 months, suspended on probation, sentenced. 28. July 2015 the district court of Ingolstadt convict the suspect for attempted grievous bodily harm in two cases, and property damage, with the involvement of the judgment of the AG, Munich, to imprisonment for a term of 3 years. The suspect was last on 7. December 2015 condemned by the Augsburg district court for attempted serious arson with property damage, to imprisonment for a term of 1 year and 4 months. He was on 12. April 2019 released from prison.”
Accordingly, the husband was exactly eight days on the loose, as he was led to the Munich-based Paul Church for a mass panic.
in Addition, it is stated in the answer of the interior Ministry: “The suspect is enforceable required to leave the country.” Which means that he must be deported.
editor’s note. d. Red.: In the “tz” and in the “Münchner Merkur” were already in the Easter holidays following the issue from Tuesday, 23. April worship participants to word, the of “Allahu Akbar”-Call of the intruder reported (see below).
Munich: man triggers mass panic Church – police responded to Demands
Update vom 26. April 2019: After the Munich police reach a lot of inquiries regarding the incident in St. Paul’s Church. Therefore, the investigators once again to the status of the ongoing investigations state well-known: “In the case of the investigators of the Commissariat 45 have been reported to the already well-known witnesses and a further 70 persons, are yet to be heard. In addition, further police investigations. The suspect is still in custody.
We work with high pressure in the elucidation of the event, where we are generously supported by the Croatian municipality of Munich, in all respects, and inform you as soon as the final issue is present with all its aspects.
in addition, persons who have made during the event at the 20.04.2019 observations of the behaviour of the offender, or the opportunity to contact the Criminal investigation Department were injured continue to have: the police headquarters in Munich, Commissariat 45 Hansastr. 24 80686 Munich, Germany Tel: 089/63007-4045 E-Mail: pp-mue.muenchen.k45@polizei.bayern.de.“
man triggers mass panic in the Munich Church – Interested call for Details
Update vom 22. April 2019. 17.23 PM: two days after the mass panic in a Church in Munich, fear prevails in many individuals. Marko Vidovic, a teacher from Laim, reported on the incident Saturday night: “I heard someone loudly called. The Church was full of visitors. People have thrown anxious on the ground, others ran and stumbled. Kids were screaming.“ Jozo Dramac experienced the Happen also in the Church, and reported: “Someone in Arabic shouted. “Allah, Allah”, I understood. I was with my wife and my son. The people were in a panic. I tried to keep calm, but still afraid.“
Marko Petrovic was pushed by the offender to the side. “The man ran past me, I hit the elbow in the side, and “Allahu Akbar” is called. He has something thrown. A couple of visitors, strong men, were able to bring him to the ground and hold until the police arrived,“ reports the Church visitors.
Update vom 21. April, 19.28 PM: The police of Munich announced in a press release, new Details about the mass panic at an Easter service, a Croatian Catholic parish in the St. Paul’s Church in Munich:
On Saturday, 20.04.2019, against 21:33 PM a man was disturbed by the Easter Vespers of the Croatian Catholic community in Munich, in the St. Paul’s Church. He entered the Church through the main entrance, while he cried, gesticulating and noisy not intelligible words.
in Addition, he is said to have several stones in the Church, thrown. Whether the Accused has in fact called “Allahu Akbar”, or it is a false information, is still being examined. Some visitors came fleeing the Church. Then, more visitors followed them in the direction of the outputs.
in This case, nine people were injured according to the current status easily. Four people were transported for further clarification in the Munich hospitals.
The man was initially detained by Church-goers, and finally by the police forces arrested. It is a 36-year-old Somalis.
Against the man, in the meantime, warrant and others, on suspicion of disturbing the peace and attempted grievous bodily was adopted in violation. For the duration of the fair, the Munich police coached witnesses to the incident in the house of God. In the case of the man with no pyrotechnic items and weapons have been found. The investigation is currently in the office of the Commissioner 45.
Update, 15.17 PM: How the Munich police force confirmed to our editorial staff, will be questioned by the obviously mentally confused man to the incident. Also in the Church, witnesses to be interviewed about the incident, on the subject nothing is known.
mass panic in Munich’s St. Paul’s Church: a man bursts in Easter-worship – 24-injured
Munich – An apparently mentally ill man has triggered in the St Paul’s parish Church in Munich panic during Easter worship. “He shouted, gesticulating and noisy not intelligible words, which visitors to the fair who were in earshot, they were terrified,” said the police in the night to Sunday.
Because some of the Church wanted to leave the visitors then fleeing the house of God were 24 people “a minimum of” hurt. The man was questioned by officers on Saturday evening in the Church and arrested. Currently, there is no danger for the visitors to the divine service, went out of the man.
Munich: mass panic in St. Paul’s Church – witnesses of the scenes
On the social networks, the news spread on the evening, many eye witnesses have reported dramatic moments. As some of you will tell, gave it a blast. Which of these has been triggered, is not known. On Videos of the eye-witnesses, a Chaos within the Church. Many thanks to the stampede of startled people left their belongings, and Easter baskets in the house of God.