More and more miners are hosted in the centres of care of Doctors of the world, is worried about the association in its annual report published on Tuesday 16 October, which denounces the difficulties faced by the most deprived people to seek treatment.

In 2017, the association has cared for 24 338 people in its fifteen centres and went to the meeting of 12 000 people in the street. More than 98 % of the people live below the poverty line and 47.6 % did not have any resource. These are people, mostly young men, whose average age is 32.7 years, with a strong majority of foreigners (41.3% in an irregular situation or holders of a residence permit are often very temporary), specific Doctors of the world in the 18th report of the Observatory of access to health care.

The teams of Doctors of the world complain about the increased presence of juveniles (14.3 percent, compared with 12.8% in 2016), half of whom are unaccompanied, in a situation of a wandering and precarious : 13 % of these young people live in squats or camp. Their average age amounted to 10.2 years, and a quarter of these children were under 5 years of age.

Read also :   How are taken care of unaccompanied minors foreign nationals in France ?

Patients vaccinated

women, especially young, foreign and pregnant, are also more numerous (5 292), and they are often not followed in gynecology. Thus, 45.2% of women waiting for a child to accuse a delay of follow-up of their pregnancy. In addition, the housing conditions of the latter are particularly difficult : only 10,2 % had a personal dwelling, 26.6 per cent were of no fixed address, to 8.5 % lived in a squat or camp, and in 54.6 % were hosted by an association or by knowledge, the report notes.

With its 61 programs, such as care-giving in the street, in squat, in shanty towns, with migrants, unaccompanied minors, drug users or sex workers, conducted in about thirty cities, the association is called to take charge of the suffering of patients with psychological disorders, anxiety, depression, stress (9% of the people, especially the asylum seekers).

These people have little vaccinated, since barely one-third of patients are up to date for the whooping cough, measles, rubella and mumps, while one in two is vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, polio and tuberculosis. Their state of oral health is degraded, with, on average, 4.3 in carious teeth, and 5.7 missing teeth.

Precarious administrative

The report underscores the precariousness of their administrative, public, and denounces the complexity of the steps to be taken : for example, only 13.3 percent have health coverage in France. Public services tend to reduce their home and their physical presence, and the medical assistance State itself is regularly challenged by the legislature. In June, during the debate on the law on asylum and immigration, the Senate had wanted to restrict it to emergency medical assistance and the minister of health, Agnes Buzyn, intervened to postpone this project.

The dismantling systematic settlements, for example in Calais, Dunkerque and the franco-Italian border, as well as the policies of evacuation and harassment worsen considerably living conditions and health of the exiles, argue the authors of the report. They claim a device home worthy of the name, carried out by people in flesh and bone, not by Internet site interposed, and strengthened for the primary needs of children and adolescents in great danger.

also Read :   Migrants of Calais : “The majority of people in psychological suffering”


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