visited my friend (31) and I (25) the apartment in the Schwabing district of Munich, there were except us with around fifty other interested parties. Up to the third floor, we were all crowded in the stairway and down in front of the door it went.

We imagined, but as it turned out, had chosen the Realtor, right at the beginning for us, because we were the only interested parties who gave their to greet us by name presented.

We left as all the other our documents as

the Realtor was always three to four couples or Singles in the apartment. As it was our turn, we introduced ourselves, gave her the Hand and led us to the apartment. Like all the others, we were excited and left our documents.

the next day, our phone rang and the commitment for the apartment arrived, we could hardly believe our luck. We wondered what had given the rash that we have been selected. Our joint content and our permanent position to the engineer and editor? The fact That we are a non-smoker. That we are not playing drums?

content does not matter

At the time of signing the contract we were given, unasked, the answer to that. We got to talking with the Realtor and she told us that it is very difficult to select who would get at the end of the apartment.

salary play a less important role, since it would rarely make up never the experience that people apply that are not able to afford the apartment. The Financial so be guaranteed to almost always. Pets and musical instruments are also generally not a criterion, since many people here are honest as the Realtor reported. This could simply not be verified.

"you were the Only…"

salary, music instruments and animals play a less important role than one might think. For you all else was decisive. “You were the Only that presented decently, and my Hand gave,” said the Realtor to us. Many would view the visit as “Türaufsperrerin” and a “location recipient”. Not a nice idea.

she betrayed so that they would mostly decide then, who demonstrates courtesy and friendliness. Because that would reveal, according to your statement, is often more about the applicant than an appealing cover letter. That’s exactly why it would be your Job Yes, figuring out which candidate is the most suitable. And the show itself for you, it is often the small Details in human behavior.

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