Fear of the revival of the violence ultra in Germany I was a neo-nazi, The German Government approved a package of measures to combat the violence of the ultra-right

The presence of the far right more violent feel with increasing intensity in Germany. This time they have been death threats to prominent politicians of The Greens that have shocked a country that seems incapable of curbing the violence of neo-nazi. “We are witnessing a brutalization very problematic for our society,” said the Interior minister, Horst Seehofer, in response to the threats sent to the vice-president of the German Parliament, Claudia Roth, and the popular ex-leader of the training ecologist, Cem Özdemir. Their threats are far from an isolated case. The intimidation of politicians accumulate, while the Executive prepares legislative changes to try to stop the drift extremist.

“we are Now planning how and when to run it. What the next public event? Or do I we will monitor in front of your house?” reads a snippet of the email received by Özdemir, the son of Turkish immigrants, and which was published by the German press over the weekend. The letter is signed by the neo-nazi group Division of Atomic Weapons (AWD), a native of the united States and imitated in several european countries.

Roth, who received a similar threat, explained that “form part of a long list of attempts of intimidation against local politicians and the civil society, against jews, muslims, artists, and people of foreign origin”. “Whoever thinks that we are going to set aside the struggle for a diverse society and is open to the world with their hate and their proclamations deniers will be a bitter disappointment,” said Roth, who, according to the neo-nazis, is the second in the black list of objectives. Özdemir would head the list, as published by the media group Funke.

The cascade of threats occurs a little less than a month after a neo-nazi opened fire on a synagogue in Halle, and killed two passers-by. Come in addition, after the murder last June of the conservative politician Walter Lübcke, also by a far-right, to be in favor of the entry of refugees in Germany. The crime shocked a political class which it found that the threats are very serious and that the violent groups are able to execute their plans.

“what Emergency nazi?”

“what Emergency nazi?”, under that heading with questions has passed Dresden, a city in eastern Germany, a dispute resolution with which you want to draw attention to the emergence of attitudes “undemocratic”, “antipluralistas” and “extreme right, including violence, increasingly present in Dresden”.

“This city has a problem with nazis,” he said last week, the promoter of the initiative, the municipal councilor Max Aschenbach, of the formation of the satirical Die Partei. The resolution does not obligate the council to take concrete measures, but rather tries to draw attention to the rise of extremist, in the city-the cradle of the movement xenophobic Pegida. In the last regional elections in Saxony, the Land belongs to Dresden, the extreme right won 27.5% of the votes.

“After the attack, of Halle, the security services have realized that there is something totally rotten. You have come to the conclusion that something must be done, after 20 years of looking the other way”, interpreted by Hajo Funke, a professor of the Free University of Berlin and an expert on extremism from the right. The data of the secret services internal indicate that there is 24.100 far-right in Germany and 12.700 of them are potentially violent. In the past year were recorded 19.409 motivated crimes of the extreme right.

last week the Government in Berlin adopted a package of measures with which you want to fight the extremism of the ultra-right and hate crimes. The Executive wants to require companies in the Internet that communicate to the police the identity of users to extremists, as well as harden the permissions of the sale of weapons. The plans also include improving protection for local politicians, much less protected than the representatives of national level.

Politicians from different parties have demanded that the measures announced were to become a reality as soon as possible. “Anyone who harasses and threatens you on the Internet should be pursued and punished in a manner more effective and more severe,” said secretary of the Interior, Stephan Mayer, member of the conservative party bavaro. “We will do everything possible to pass quickly in the Parliament”, said Thorsten Frei, the number two in the block conservative in the German Chamber. The Ministry of Justice has planned the measures to be adopted at the end of the year.

political Climate

The professor Funke explains that an important step has been the appointment of a new chief of the internal services after the above, Hans-Georg Maassen, they were dismissed for their complicity with some of theses conspiracy of the far right. But Funke believes that the political climate plays a decisive role, and considers that the extreme political right inciting violence with hate speech. “When a party tells you that you need to get rid of the refugees and the muslims and that defends the ethnic purity of Germany it is evident that it is a climate most conducive to act against the minorities”, interprets over the phone.

The recent elections in Thuringia at the end of October, offered a panorama breathtaking, with the main candidates in campaign threatened by neo-nazi groups. These elections also found the radicalization of the right wing political, Alternative for Germany (AfD), has become the first opposition force in the Bundestag. The AfD entered into Parliament in 2017 with a 12,6% of the votes and Björn Höcke, the leader of the wing, the more radical of this training obtained in Thuringia the 23% of the votes.

Like other experts, Funke puts the turning point in the demonstration that took place the summer of 2018 in Chemnitz, following the murder of a neighbor, allegedly at the hands of a stranger. To that manifestation, in which Höcke had a leading role, came a myriad of neo-nazi groups and hooligans. “This is the first time since 1949 that representatives of a party in the Bundestag marching with neo-nazis,” says Funke.

This Monday, in addition, the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung published the contents of a response to parliamentary of the Ministry of Interior in the alerting of the danger of vigilante groups of the extreme right present in all parts of the country. These groups accuse the Government of having given up to protect its citizens by allowing entry of refugees and say they want to bring security to the streets taking the justice by his own hand.

Meanwhile, also on Monday, chancellor Angela Merkel laid flowers before a memorial for the victims of the terror neo-nazi of the NSU in Saxony. There an oak memorial had been mown a few weeks before, allegedly by a neo-nazi.


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