it Has been a battle fought, in which british mps were due to vote on subsequent occasions until a candidate achieved the 50% of the supports. The task was not minor. They had to elect the new speaker (president) of the british Parliament, someone capable of filling the immense hole left by the personality of John Bercow. The has been chosen Sir Lindsay Hoyle, with a support of 325 members, compared to 230 obtained by its direct rival, Chrys Bryant.
The Parliament to Johnson: “we don’t lose the time or we lack the respect for” The british Parliament rejects the Brexit urgency of Johnson, the chairman of The british Parliament, willing to allow Puigdemont talk in Westminster
With 62 years, the labour mp does not have the encyclopaedic culture or the strong personality of his predecessor. Neither your waist nor your ability to maneuver. But their ways are educated and have proven over the years that he served as vice president of the Chamber which is capable of maintaining the order during a debate and display a wry humour and gentle that has been liked by many members. Your task, from now on, will be to preserve the authority of the position, to reform what is necessary to reform and avoid the innovations are controversial (although in the view of many, necessary) that Bercow did not dare to impose. “I want this Camera to be respected all over the country and around the world. I will be neutral and will be transparent. This Parliament, as I promised, it will change, but will change for the better”, said Hoyle in his acceptance speech. The change has been radical from the first second, because it has been used just a few minutes to thank your family for the years of support and has sent the two messages that I wanted to send. And has not been extended in the long soliloquies that Bercow had accustomed to the deputies.
The election of a new speaker, just one day before it dissolves Parliament to begin election campaign, has not been without controversy. Hoyle will be chairman of a House completely renovated that there will be directly elected, and many called for delaying the election until after the elections of 12th of December. The need to maintain the tradition, and the seat does not become vacant even for a day, and the desire that many of the deputies had to give it a rollover to the “Bercow” have prevailed, and Westminster to temporarily close its doors with a new president of the Camera is already active. The rest of the world, probably, will miss the cries of “ordeeer, ordeeer!” of Bercow, which is unlikely to reach the same variety of intonation and volume in the mouth of his successor.