Whether Uni Mensas, hospital food or the classic canteen in the company: There is hardly anyone who has not yet been faced with the monotonous misery of many kitchens. Under the word community Board for a long time hid nothing Good. This kind of catering, it was simply neglected. That is over now. The reality shows, and canteens are now better than their reputation. This is a very simple reason.

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changes and the transfers to the canteens. Quality, creativity, Design and Service are now in the foreground. People have the need to dine together and to share also, but mainly you want to enjoy it in a beautiful place. Who sits every day in front of the computer, know how to appreciate such sensual breaks or to use, in order to set new impulses. Companies of the importance of canteens, Cafeteria, and snack points are already aware of. The perfect time to restructure canteens. Because no place shows better how the culture of the company really is.

The food expert Hanni Rützler writes in her annual “Food Report”, that community Board was long perceived as a “culinary threat”. In many cases, this is actually still the case. Practice shows, however, that zerkochtes vegetable belongs increasingly to the past. Instead, dishes are freshly prepared before the eyes of the guests. Some canteens even do without the self-service and serve the food at the table.

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80 per cent of Australians have only a break of 30 minutes or less, which means lunch has to be fast: burgers, Sandwiches, Wraps or Hot Dogs are the most common choice. The workers bring also like food from the day before from home.

© In the canteen, there’s good food?

Always remember operating canteens to Restaurants. You are a piece of Corporate Identity for companies, so a picture of how the company wants to present to the outside world.

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Google, Spotify and Dropbox have it. In their operation of restaurants, it’s about enjoyment, your canteens are fit for the 21st century. Century. For the other companies it is catch up time. However, there is a Problem of demand: as before, classics like Schnitzel with French fries and curry sausage are the most sought-after. The tutelage of what should be eaten must not be so. You would risk in order to draw the resentment of the employees, the customers. Hanni Rützler compares operating canteens with large tankers in the Gastro-sector. They were difficult to maneuver. Nevertheless, the offer is in most of the company’s Restaurants are more diverse.

Some of the canteens are like real Restaurants operate. They differ only by the location in an office complex or corporate headquarters. They are accessible for all. A “Best Practice”example of this is the canteen “by Marco Simonis” in Vienna. In the center of an office complex, there is an excellent canteen, which can each visit, the prices are generally under ten euros. The basic idea is simple: the concept of The canteen is here meant in a completely new. The highest quality and a feel-good atmosphere are essential. The self-service restaurant has Seating for 200 guests and three hot daily meals, two soups, and a Dessert.

Well possible, that dreary canteens soon belong to the past and a chic Lounge-Restaurants soft. The workers will thank the company.


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