Alberto Fernandez you will need to maintain the unity of peronism and agree with the opposition to pass laws in Congress. The president-elect will begin their mandate on the 10th of December with an absolute majority in the Senate, but not in the Chamber of Deputies, where will feature 120 of the 257 seats. The land cut by Mauricio Macri from the primary to August -8 points – strengthened the hands of their coalition, Together for the Change. The macrismo won nine deputies and control 119, according to provisional results. The Chamber of Deputies is divided into two large blocks and not even the sum of all the peronism reached the half plus one, which will force Fernandez to negotiate with each law that you want to get ahead.


Alberto Fernandez is imposed on Mauricio Macri and will be the next president of Argentina, peronism celebrated in the streets: “Alberto, president”

“I Wish that those who are our opponents in these four years are aware of what they have left to us and help us rebuild the country from the ashes”, “I wish that commitment to dialogue that you never had now I exercise”, he said on Sunday night, the president-elect from the general headquarters of the Front of All. His words, read the day after the election, seem to be aimed at the opposition macrista in the Congress. Among the first laws that is expected to promote measures for the promotion of consumption, employment and the regulation of rents, for which you will need to back opponent.

The Senate will be different. The Front of All will have at least 37 of the 72 seats in front of the 29, Change. Shall preside over the Lower Chamber vice-president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Unlike most of his predecessors, whose role was almost symbolic, the ex-governor is one of the policies most influential in the country and clinched one of his men closest to him, Axel Kicillof, the government of the province of Buenos Aires. If the good relationship with the president remains and there are no fractures unexpected in the block peronist, the Senate will adopt with ease all the initiatives promoted by the Government. However, legislators respond to the provincial governors, which may require greater funds to the president in exchange for their support.

Argentina renews part of its two legislative chambers every two years. Deputies assume with a mandate of four years and the senators for six. During his presidency, Macri has always been in the minority in both chambers. However, against all odds, the governance was higher than expected. He knew how to take advantage of the divisions in the opposition and was able to pass many of the legislative initiatives that he promoted. In addition he exercised his right to veto on some acts of opposition, such as that prohibited layoffs.

The so-called peronism a moderate, as opposed to the kirchnerismo, or federal, by its link with the provincial governors, was the great ally of the macrismo. Supported even partially in laws with a strong popular opposition, as the reform of pensions and retirement that was answered with violent protests in the streets. The differences only became very visible in the last few months, as it aggravated the economic crisis and Argentina drew closer to the election date, with a peronism reunited.

The new Congress taking office on December 10 to reflect the greater polarization of the south american country. Other political parties were very far away from the two big coalitions. Consensus Federal, led by the former minister of Economy team of Roberto Lavagna, lost three of their eight seats. The left aspired to get a deputy for Buenos Aires and raise three of their representation, but lacked the 8,000 votes to do so. The right wing did not manage to pass the minimum threshold and remained outside.


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