Returns the Feast of the Cinema. The 17th edition of this initiative takes place these days in 3.069 screens of 351 cinemas (the 95% of the rooms) of the whole of Spain yesterday, today and tomorrow, October 30. During those days the spectators will be able to view movies in the rooms attached to the promotion for 2,90 euros.


Feast of cinema: seven jewels that you can not miss The Party of the Film held with 1.8 million viewers its tenth anniversary

The accreditations can be obtained on the website of Festival of the Cinema, and are both individual and group (max 10 attendees). The under 14 and over 60 years of age (must show ID) will not have to be accredited to participate. No need to print the accreditation, just show it at the ticket office in the mobile. Veterans of past editions also do not need to repeat the accreditation.

this event, organised by the Confederation of Spanish audiovisual producers (FAPAE), the Federation of Film Distributors (FEDICINE), the Federation of Cinemas of Spain (FECE) and the Institute of Cinematography and of the Arts of the Audiovisual (ICAA), it seeks to encourage attendance to movie theaters as a social habit and cultural.

In October of last year, the Feast of the Film was the worst since 2012 with 1.3 million entries, when added 766.231 attendees. Since then, the event has gone from annual to semi-annual, has generated applause, and had always fluctuated between 1.6 and 2.6 million tickets sold. In October of 2018, in contrast, fell by 18.7% with respect to the FOURTEENTH edition, in may of 2018, when he received 1.64 million viewers. In contrast, in the last spring, the XVI Festival of the Film ended up with 1.825.800 tickets sold. That is to say, the best figure of the last two and a half years, over the preceding four calls, even if it is below the 2.6 million viewers in October 2016, the greatest human tide that has flooded the halls of Spain.

After a few first editions in a minor key, the Festival of Cinema began in earnest in 2014. Years of falling attendance and increases in the average price helped to create the ideal climate for three days to 2,90 euros resurrected the enthusiasm cinephile, with tails unpublished to the lockers


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