retirement isn’t good for the depression, but it helps to reduce it. The percentage of spaniards aged 65 to 75 years old who has depressive symptoms is 27% lower than that of the citizens of the 55-to-64 years of age (the stage immediately above). So what shows Jubillennials: The impact of retirement on health from the age of 65, a study of 1,700 people submitted this Monday. Manuel Castillo, president scientific of the Spanish Society of anti-Aging Medicine, has presented the data and explained that the term jubillennials refers to “pensioners of the TWENTY-first century”: “an active generation that believes more in prevention, and with a higher quality of life.”

The study, conducted by Vivacious Health Insurance, the University Francisco de Vitoria and the Carlos III Institute, compares the quality of life among persons in the age close to retirement and retirees, and shows that the majority of habits to become healthier after the cessation of work. Over 65 years of age perform exercise more regularly than those of the previous stage (28% more), follow healthier diets (12% more), smoked less often (in 61% of cases), drink less (6%) and are more satisfied with the social life in general (9% more).

The decrease of depressive symptoms may be a result of a favorable change in your life style, according to the document. The stress and the sedentary lifestyle that characterized the period immediately prior to retirement are put aside to adopt the habits of a life much more healthy. During the presentation, Castle has underlined that the jubillenials “they possess a great capacity for enjoyment of life and, in general, tend to be more concerned with your health after retirement”. It has been considered that “we are facing a generation that is going to enjoy retirement with joy”.

on the other hand, the retired seem to have a greater awareness of preventive. The spaniards of 65 to 75 years who are vaccinated against the flu in a lot to a greater extent than the population that is nearing retirement (119% more) and make tests which facilitate the early detection of cancer (an increase of 44%). In addition, after the cessation of the working life, there occurs a significant increase of analytical (growth of 10%), ultrasound (20%), and x-rays (28%).

The study also reveals that, unlike what is usually thought, the retired Spanish is not used in an exaggerated form the primary care, emergency room or hospitals. The use of the healthcare system is very similar to the stage immediately prior to their retirement. However, the group of retirees is more prone to polypharmacy (consuming more than five daily medications). With the retirement, the general consumption of drugs increases by 21%.

One in every five spaniards between 55 and 75 years of age have depressive symptoms

Despite its good state of general health, depression and anxiety are not
pathologies uncommon among spaniards, aged 55 to 75 years. 18.5% of spaniards in this age group have depressive symptoms, a higher percentage with medical problems apparently more common as the lack of hearing (17,3%), headaches (16,5%), the coronary ailments (15,7%) or respiratory (11.4 per cent). By territories, citizens from 55 to 75 years of the Valencian Community are the most suffering from depressive symptoms (22.8 per cent), followed by the andalusian (22,5%) and the canaries (21.2 per cent). On the opposite side are La Rioja (6,1%), Basque Country (11.4%) and Castilla-La Mancha (13.6 per cent).


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