— “This is not an act of party, but of shared goals,” said Paul Married.

— “I came knowing it is an act of the party, carried out by the PP. And I have come because it gives me the win,” said Rosa Díez.

“I’m going to vote nomad”, he explained finally the exsocialista and founder of UPyD before to ensure that I wanted you Married to win on Sunday. “I think that the PP has learned from their mistakes of the past. Do you promise Me that there will be no more apacigüamiento? What more surrender to those who have behaved as enemies of democratic Spain?“, he asked the leader of the PP. In the first row, he nodded.


Married: “A grand coalition would leave the choice in the hands of Vox, and we Can” The election debate does not clarify the covenants and widens the gap between PSOE and we Can

Díez, and Married competed in attacks against Pedro Sanchez. “Is the candidate of the enemies of Spain, and it hurts me in the soul that no one in the socialist party (PSOE say,” said the first. “For Sanchez, the unity of Spain has been reduced to a calculation election. “We play the historical continuity of our nation,” said the second.”

The exsocialista tore laughter and applause, between “the heroic members of the PP Catalan”, as defined by Married. The party has only one seat in Catalonia, the second most populated of Spain. “And now I have to ask forgiveness for being in an act of the PP?”, it stirred Díez. Married said in an interview in THE COUNTRY that would have gone on their lists if it had gone ahead the coalition with Cs, Spain Sum.

The founder of UPyD asked the citizens who are “Spanish without complexes”. “That does not renounce to be provocative. Exit to the street. If not we who we are a little known, while they give you a cake, how are they going to leave the anonymous citizens?”, he asked. This Wednesday, both Married as Alvarez de Toledo and the exsocialista arrived at the rally in Barcelona without incident. Subsequently,Anoymous Catalonia tried to make a public protest in the Barcelona restaurant where you lunched the popular leader, but party supplies ensure that when you come out I’ll just rebuked a man while others shouted “¡president!”.

The place chosen for the meeting, at the museum of history of Barcelona, close to the room where it was signed in 2003, the pact of the Tinell [the tripartite of the PSC, ERC and ICV], as explained Married, was not “casual”. “It is the scene of one of the events most sad in the history of the PSOE, when it formed a cordon sanitaire around the PP. And now he wants to revalidate the coalition Frankesntein,” he said.

the joke of The monkey

During his speech, the head of the list for Barcelona, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, insisted on the idea that the socialists intend to reissue the pact of the Tinell. “Spain will have as many nations as may be necessary for Sanchez to be able to govern,” he said.

The spokesman of the PP in the Congress in the last legislature he criticized an “operation” to “marginalize and oppress” the castellanoparlantes in Catalonia. “It’s like the joke of the monkey: sway you until you speak Catalan”.

The head of the list by Barcelona also said that “after looking at them a lot of close”, he had concluded that “the PSC is not a left-wing political party with sympathies towards nationalism”, but “a few infiltrators”: “nationalists who are active in the left, so that nationalism can complete your project to the hegemonic”.


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