they were insulted as “German bitch”, “German girl” or “traitors”, were excluded, shaved bald, beaten, interned, lost their employment, and their citizenship, and in addition to their honor, often enough, is also home to. At least 50,000 Norwegians were in during the occupation by the Wehrmacht in the Second world war, a love relationship with a German soldier. Around 12,000 children out of these relationships files were recorded.

Now excuse me Norway, officially, for the treatment of women. “The Norwegian authorities have acted in breach of the fundamental principles of the rule of law,” said Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Oslo. “No citizen shall be condemned without the judgment or by law.”

Solberg, since 2004, Chairman of the conservative Høyre party, acknowledged that the apology was coming very late. Most of these women now live. The reason was that it had taken a long time, until someone wanted to tell his story. Only in the last few years, the scale had become known. In 2012, Norway’s police had apologised-in-chief of the involvement of his authority in the Nazi policy of extermination, by participated in the Deportation of Jews.

The “company Weser exercise” was the Wehrmacht on 9. In April 1940 Denmark and Norway invaded and occupied both countries until the end of the war. The Power was in the hands of the Reich Commissioner Josef Terboven, the Samling, Vidkun Quisling, was the leader of the fascist party Nasjonal a compliant collaborator. In 1942, Quisling served as the chief of a government that enforced the orders of the occupying power.

Under these conditions, it was for the Norwegians was a series of emotional reasons, with Wehrmacht soldiers. Historians have worked out that this is especially to young women up to 25 years from rural areas of the case that had it were in the cities. They had not enjoyed a good education, were usually from poor backgrounds and suffered from the rationing of food and other goods of daily needs. Another important motive is the prospect of escape through the relationship to a German re-enactments from the circle of the Quisling party.

There were Norwegians after the Nazi racial ideology of “race related Aryan” was the fraternizing ban for military dependents initially loosened. Marriages were forbidden, however, from 1942 on, because in the realm of “a number of young soldiers waited for widows”.

A different view on things had the SS. You saw Norwegians “mothers of good blood” with which the “race moderately past” regions of southern Germany refreshed. From 1941, the Lebensborn Association, which served the birth to increase the “Aryan” offspring was, therefore, also in Norway. Around one-tenth of the so-called “war children” is in its maternity wards.

After the war, several Thousand women were imprisoned without a court order in the Camps. Files that were created during the German occupation to the prevention of venereal diseases, were used as a basis. Women who were employed in the public service was terminated. They had a German married, which was not the case on a few Thousand, they lost their Norwegian citizenship. Until 1950, she received back their civil rights in the event that you were back in Norway.

thousands of children as “defective individuals” branded, were put after the war, in foster families or disappeared in people’s homes. Historians were even able to demonstrate that some were in need of drug experiments, miss. “Nobody must keep in mind that this inheritance is useful, and inferior children through good food valuable citizens”, was a medical officer in 1945 as a solution.

An early spotlight on the fate of the “German girl” threw the biography of Anni-Frid single, one of the two singers of the Pop group Abba. She had come in 1945 as the so-called “Tyskerjente” a 19-Year-old and a German soldier who was stationed in Narvik, to the world. From an article in the magazine “Bravo” underwent single in 1977, her father was by no means fallen in the last days of the war, but in Gunzenhausen in Franconia lived.

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