Sascha Hehn (64) as the captain Burger is leaving “The dream ship” on ZDF. An Era comes to an end, many of the dream ship Fans mourn. The message that Moderator and singer Florian Silbereisen (37) takes over as the new captain on the ship of dreams the wheel, and scatters even more salt in the wound. Much more still: It is “a slap in the face”. Many of the negative reactions are a warning that Florian silver iron is going as a captain in the rate of sea? Or he can keep with the dream boat on the water?

“The dream ship” (ZDF): Florian silver iron cleaves the dream ship-Fans

It is officially confirmed by ZDF: Florian Silbereisen as Max in Prague the previous dream ship-captain Victor Burger (Sascha Hehn). A message that shocked many Fans and to make their Anger in the social networks of the air. Actually, no wonder, if you only look at the Twitter poll of “captain Burger” (@the ship of dreams). On the question of why the people “The dream ship” look, the most common answer is “The Captn” with 37%. Sascha Hehn has a large Fan municipality, which is not simply of a new captain. And the captain himself had a different successor in mind.

Many of you would have used, presumably, in time, to a new dream ship captain and have to get used to, but the occupation by singer Florian Silbereisen seems to be the worst possible choice, when you put the opinion of the Fans:

a Lot of people make at the expense of Florian silver iron and Titanic – Helene Fischer-jokes. The latter, he will not want to miss by the way as a best friend. For some users, the hope is that it is just a premature April fool’s day still prevails.

Also under the Facebook Post of the ZDF dream ship-captain exchange a bad mood. Here is the ZDF had to delete even comments, since it is not objectively criticized, but even I was insulted.

After all, there are factual Fans who don’t want to crucify the responsible and Florian silver iron directly. And also explains, why of the should be Ex by Helene Fischer is not a dream ship captain:

Separately, a little anticipation can even be found on Florian silver iron than captain:

Florian Silbereisen as the new dream ship-captain in the ZDF – Heide Keller (Beatrice) is horrified

the fact that The singer-presenter Florian Silbereisen is not a trained actor, disturbs not only the Fans of the ZDF-series. According to actor Timothy Peach (55) expressed, among other things, just excited to be the new dream ship-the occupation of the captain: “A slap in the face for every trained actor.” Actor Sven Martinek (54) packaged his Anger somewhat amusing, but with a clear message: “Too much silver and iron on Board can pull a ship quickly into the depths.”

+ Heide Keller (Beatrice) is a little excited about the new cast of the captain by Florian silver iron. © Angelika Warmuth/dpa

From the picture Heide Keller (76), who worked for many years as a chief Stewardess Beatrice on the dream ship for law and order said. She has no understanding for the election of Florian silver iron: “I met him as a very nice people. Whoever made this decision, you have done it also ,bet that..?‘ on the wall.“ For The dream ship, “” on fairy tales, and a captain as the Prince. This has the great responsibility for many people, what can you imagine with Florian silver iron appears to be. They criticized how the majority of, the decision of the ZDF sharp and reaping confirmatory words. There are many love boat Fans, but actors are in agreement.

ZDF reaps criticism – What Florian silver iron says to the dream-ship role?

criticism one way or another. Florian silver iron. as Max in Prague, the new captain of the ship, and without acting training The legacy of the popular Sascha Hehn as Viktor Burger is not only huge, but also a theatrical challenge for the presenter and singer.

That he can’t live up to, and also don’t want to, he said to the image: “I keep asking myself: can I engage in such footsteps? I’m honest, no, I can’t! And I don’t want to! I feel absolutely no need to be an actor. I want to be a dream boat captain! The dream ship’ is an Institution, an integral part of millions of people who are looking forward to these films, and even the Christmas after that, align, to go to rest a bit on travel“.

Klare the words from the crooner who has not, after a separation of Helene Fischer easily. Because like him, the role as a cruise ship captain come just at the right time. If it were not for the many criticism.

Who wants to be Florian silver iron, in spite of all the criticism on the dream ship did not miss, you should turn on Christmas in 2019 and new year 2024 in the ZDF.

More “The dream ship”: Hawaii, Japan and key facts

also: What do you say to Florian silver iron than the new dream ship-captain?


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