History 01/03/20 What men were not called to the front in the first year of the great Patriotic
delays or “booking” by sending in the army in world war II had very many categories of Soviet citizens. With the complexity of the situation on the fronts situation calling has varied in the fight was even thieves who volunteers to defend the Homeland, which, incidentally, was against thieves rules. Many of these veterans for this manifestation of patriotism then paid.
“Armored” capital
the number of military service men need more in the rear than at the front, Moscow is ahead of other cities and other settlements of the USSR – in the capital almost half of combat-ready citizens for various reasons had “reservations”. In Moscow was the largest industrial enterprise, here lived and worked the party elite. In the capital and in the periphery from the call to the front, as a rule, freed the leaders of party bodies, from the regional Committee of the CPSU (b) before the district Committee, the Director of strategically important enterprises.
Not recruited into the army of workers on the ideological front, of which in Moscow for obvious reasons, was numerically larger than in other settlements of the Soviet Union, many actors, artists, composers and scientists, writers and poets the fate of becoming a soldier had passed. For example, fought the famous satirist Arkady Raikin and no less famous poet, author of the legendary “Wait for me” Konstantin Simonov. First participated in the concert brigades traveled with performances on the front, the second was a war correspondent.
However, the social status of belonging to a creative or scientific establishment not been a “concrete” guarantee of exemption from military service during war for example, fought and was seriously wounded artist Zinovy Gerdt died at the fronts of the famous pre-war actors Valentin Lithuanian, Vladimir Konstantinov, Ghoul Queen. Fell on the battlefields of the great Patriotic war, many Soviet poets – Boris Bogatikov, Nikolai Mayorov, Vsevolod Bagritsky… they All went to the front as volunteers, although could use “armor”.
at First did not take teachers
the Red Army pretty quickly felt the lack of personnel in the first months of the war, our losses amounted to hundreds of thousands of soldiers, most of whom have been captivated by the rapidly advancing enemy. And at first, the front didn’t take the combine and tractor working on the harvest in the first year of the great Patriotic war is not called teachers.
In some regions in draft campaign 1942 “reservation” also applies to those who studied in river school forestry institutions – if students of these institutions at that time was in the navigation or in the taiga logging.
“Rejected” on health and social position
Needless to say, are not recruited to the front worthless health. Although many men from this category are able to handle a rifle, were to enlist volunteers. Patriotic sentiments, by the way, the war was not all Soviet citizens. Example Starostine brothers, the famous Soviet players, who had a “booking”, confirmation: the investigation and trial has proven that athletes have organized an entire industry for the release of reservists for money from service in the army.
Belonging to a certain nationality could also be a reason for rejection of the appeal to the front of a reservist. Germans, Romanians, Finns, Bulgarians, Turks, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Hungarians and Austrians, even as Soviet citizens, usually in the great Patriotic war on the side of the red Army did not fight they called in the auxiliary part, engaged in the construction and engineering works. Certain limitations on the call were introduced to the natives of the North Caucasus and the Baltic States.
for a Long time call the Commission did not touch the prisoners, contained in the HUMAgay. However, by 1943, when the situation at the front demanded involving into the Red Army additional number of troops, was allowed to call the prisoners”of bytovikam” and thieves with experience. Thieves by law, any cooperation with the authorities is considered beneath one’s dignity, and therefore after the great Patriotic war, the mass retreat of the “lawyers” of the concepts (“ssuchivanie”) has provoked the so-called “bitch war”: holding to the old thieves-in-law (veterans) received new deadline, returned to the area where “bitches” bloody showdown met the “right” lawyers.
Nicholas Syromyatnikov
© Russian Seven
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