Why Hitler wanted to destroy Moscow after its capture

History 01/03/20 Why Hitler wanted to destroy Moscow after its capture

At the beginning of 1942, the Germans were pushed back from Moscow and more seriously claimed its capture. Meanwhile, the fall of the Soviet capital were among the priority plans of Hitler. What the Fuhrer was going to do with the mother see?

Moscow – is no exception

the General plan “OST” (programme for the consolidation of the Reich in the Western territories of the USSR) provided for the forced eviction of up to 85% of Soviet citizens in the Ural, North Caucasus and in South America. However, local historians are not inclined to take literally the word “eviction”: for them it is equivalent to the term “destruction”.

a Vacant living space of the German government planned to settle Germans in the 30 years after the victorious end of the war, involving land use also of the Italians. It was assumed that about 4.5 million German settlers would control the 14 million Slavs, left as free labor.

As could be used by Moscow? Obviously, as one of the centers governing economic life of the Eastern territories (in the German documents to Moscow was designated as “the Inspectorate Saxony”). The main purpose of Germany to the USSR of course had the resources: farmland, water, timber, oil, coal, iron. Raw material base of “greater Germany” was given to the jurisdiction of the Minister of food and agriculture Herbert Bakke.

it is likely that in the “German” Moscow remained a semblance of cultural life, which would satisfy the needs of the Germans: they would work cinemas, clubs, restaurants, sports clubs. “Feudal appendage” of the Reich and did not expect more. For culture, art and entertainment, the Germans had to go to Western Europe – in Berlin, Paris, Rome, Milan, Madrid, Vienna.

For the “inferior” races in Moscow, most likely, would function only in primary school, where the ideas of Hitler had to teach the basics of arithmetic and the basics of the German language. The only pleasure that the führer could afford “sub-humans” is music. It is a musical art, according to the chief ideologue of the Reich, was supposed to encourage labor on labor achievements.

change of Plans

as you move to Moscow, the German high command changed their views on the future of the Soviet capital. So, 12 Oct 1941, army group “Center” was sent to the OKH Directive No. 1571/41 “On the procedure of capture of Moscow and the treatment of its people”. The paper reported on the decision of the Fuehrer not to accept the surrender of Moscow, even if it is proposed by the Soviet side. What guided Hitler?

the Head of the Reich believed that the Germans in the capital of the USSR will have to wait for the same danger as when entering the red Army left Kyiv – mined streets and houses, fires, actions of groups of saboteurs. Hitler was convinced that Moscow will fight to the last man. The German command also took into account the high epidemiological risk, which would have been German soldiers, entered a devastated and ruined city.

According to the Directive, anyone who tries to break from Moscow through the position of the Wehrmacht was to be fired upon and driven away back. Exception was done only for those Muscovites who had intended to leave the territory of the “inner Russia” – they were going to leave the small corridors. The more people move to the East, the easier it will be to administrate the occupied territory was highlighted in the document.

the German authorities did not need was remaining in Moscow residents who would lay on them a burden. As noted in the Supplement to the Directive, “should be cut off the city from communication, linking it with the outside world. Further instructions will be given later.” New indications for well-known reasons was not followed, however, on the basis inpominanie German generals can imagine what fate would expect Moscow.

the City is no

In the diary of Colonel General Franz Halder there is such phrase: “the Unwavering decision of the Fuehrer to level Moscow and Leningrad to the ground, to completely get rid of the population of these towns, which otherwise we feed during the winter. The problem of the destruction of the cities must be performed by the aircraft. To do this, you should not use the tanks.”

Apparently the idea is to raze Moscow to the ground firmly stuck in the minds of Hitler. Official documents on this issue, however, many German generals argue in favor of such plans – Colonel Hartwig of Polman, the head of the Party Chancellery of the NSDAP, Martin Bormann, head of the foreign Department of the Nazi party Alfred Rosenberg, field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel.

an Additional motivation to the final decision in relation to the Soviet capital was the thought of Hitler, according to which the destruction of Moscow and Leningrad, will be a real national disaster that will deprive Bolshevism of the historical and ideological centers. So in one fell swoop (or rather two), the führer had intended to kill the hated Communist system.

Hidden under the waters

Among the spoils which fell into the hands of the red army after the victory at Moscow was a German train with granite, marble and other decorative stones found near Mozhaisk. According to historians, it was the material for making monument, which symbolized the conquest of Russia. The monument Hitler wanted to build on the Bank of the artificial sea, located at the place flooded Moscow.

However, before the creation of the “Moscow reservoir” the Fuhrer was going to spend on red square parade, which has already been invited by the French foreign Legion, equipped with shakos of the Napoleonic army. But Hitler’s plans went awry, and the stone used for other purposes.

Today, trophy granite slabs can seen on the walls of the lower floors of the buildings on the odd side of Tverskaya street, which are located between the Central Telegraph office and the town Hall (they can be distinguished by the characteristic reddish hue). Marble due to its small quantity used for finishing the interiors of these houses.

How did the German command intended to flood Moscow? Likely, undermining the dam of the Istra and the Khimki reservoir. According to experts, in this case the capital is entirely covered to the wave 30-meter height.

Taras Repin

© Russian Seven

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