First was the town of Portugalete. Now Santurtzi. However, the long night in which half a thousand people were able to return the squat to Vitori, the old lady of 94 years of Portugalete, has not been repeated in Santurtzi, Bizkaia. About 2,000 people gathered on Wednesday to try to force the output of the squatters from a building in the middle of a large deployment of the Police that cut off the street to traffic in order to prevent the concentrated approach to the property, but could not. The street José Miguel de Barandiarán, one of the avenues of entrance to Santurce, was cut with fences that prevented to approach the portals of entrance to the property and six vans of Police in front of the building and other six in the rear. Despite the tension and some attempts to overcome the fence, the protesters were not able to even get close to the portals 24 and 26.


The popular pressure evict the squatters that were left without a home of an elderly woman of 94 years in Portugalete Evicted for a few squats after 94 years

The concentration lived some tense moments when neighbors pushed the fences, without arriving at any time to overcome the police cordon, and when they have attended three other vans to reinforce the device to the police. Between shouts of “get out”, “criminals”, “squats to the river”, “lazy” and “if you want a floor, get back to work” directed to the squats, have also heard others directed to the ertzainas, as “this police force doesn’t have a heart” and “you don’t need so many police.”

But the concentration will eventually dissolve the hopes of a full city that has been held this Thursday and in which the political groups have not been able to agree to ask the Congress of Deputies, a change of the law. In the end PES, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin We have joined together to ask the mayor of the PNV that includes the block to be affected in that there are three floors, squatted, in the urban fabric of the municipality. The PNV, which sought to urge the Congress of Deputies to change the law, it has been left alone and the rest of the opposition has brought forward a motion in which located the first mayor to modify the General Urban Plan to include in the planning portals of those houses that are now outside.

the occupants of The building. Javier Zorrilla EFE

The neighbors, who have announced new mobilizations, focused on Wednesday afternoon in two groups, one on each side of the stretch of road cut, in a protest that prologaron until well into the night. At the beginning of the concentration of the affected families read a statement in which they denounced the “theft” of three houses at numbers 24 and 26 of the street and asked “strongly” that the call was “peaceful, with no disrespect”.

The family demanded the eviction of the occupied dwellings, expedite the judicial process, and “legislative changes because, as citizenship is not for us to cover basic needs like housing,” and must be the Government and the social institutions that should give a solution to this problem. The concentrates were assured that their families also need housing and they don’t come because they are afraid” and have reported that families who have lived here have had to leave because they were afraid.

In a statement, the team of municipal government, the PNV, valued the civic attitude of the society santurtziarra, which has staged a “peaceful protest”. The PNV, which governs the municipality and has 10 members of the 21 that make up the plenary, tabled a motion for debate in the plenary this Thursday at the that has requested to amend the legislation to provide “an agile solution to the illegal occupation of the dwellings”. A motion that has not gone out.

The has been approved are limited to urge the government team “to start immediately procedures for ending the unjust situation of the outside of ordination, the main cause of the problems” in the doorways 24 and 26, -occupied housing – in addition to extending the measure to the rest of the dwellings affected by this situation in urban planning.


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