Tests for coronavirus in Russia spend 95 laboratories

Photos: the Agency “Moscow”

To date, the tests for coronavirus in Russia spend 95 laboratories, was announced by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at the meeting of the Presidium of the coordination Council on combating the spread of novel coronavirus infection in Russia.

According to him, their work day is done 36 thousand tests COVID-19. Mishustin said that, according to Rospotrebnadzor, the tests are being conducted across the country, reports TASS.

the head of the Cabinet instructed to 1 April to predict the spread of the coronavirus in Russia in the regional context.

According to who, the world infected more than 750 thousand people, more than 36 thousand died. In Russia today, was 2,777 cases of coronavirus infection in 75 regions. Recovered 190 patients, 24 persons died.

Chief epidemiologist, Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Nikolay Briko believes that Russia is coming to the peak in the incidence of coronavirus infection, but the number of patients for some time can still increase.

According to him, the number of new infections the next few days will continue to grow, and then decline. He stressed that the spread of the new virus will be significantly reduced thanks to the measures adopted by the authorities.

Also Briko has paid attention that it is a feature of coronavirus, which refers to the number of acute respiratory viral infections.

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