César Manrique was born 100 years ago in Lanzarote, an island that is still inhabited by their artistic visions and architectural despite the fact that the artist died almost three decades ago. The intimate relationship between man and space is evident in the exhibition, yesterday opened the king Philip at the headquarters of the César Manrique Foundation in Taro de Tahíche, on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the artist. The exhibition Cesar Manrique. It is a pleasure, which can be visited until the 26th of April 2024, has been deployed by the foundation, which has been removed from the temporary exhibition.
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The exhibit includes more than 400 photos of César Manrique, in addition to 17 audio-visual, commissioned filmmaker Miguel G. Morales, interviews with personalities of art and culture in Spain that reflect on the figure of the painter. They show, also, reproductions of the masks of the Carnival, designed by Manrique in the fifties, and several of his paintings. There are also personal objects of the artist, such as daily, original posters of his exhibitions in Spain and around the world, reports, journals and albums made by the honoree.
Fernando Gómez Aguilera, director of the César Manrique Foundation and curator of the exhibition, highlighted the versatility of the artist who died 27 years ago: “Manrique was claimed as a painter, but his desire was exceeded by the reality of an artist-a character with as many folds as dives a matrioska”. The director delved into the importance of Lanzarote in the artist’s work and explained that the show explores “the process of construction of Manrique as a public figure” that was always associated with the island and your house. It was there, he added, “where he developed an aesthetic of pleasure, which transformed the art into life and life into art of living”. Therefore, Manrique “becomes the logo of the” island ” and a project of transformation championed.
The fame of Caesar Manrique, who rubbed shoulders in New York with artists of the pop-culture, most recognized of the second half of the TWENTIETH century contributed to that Lanzarote became a first class tourist destination, something against what he said, as evidenced by one of the sample images. The exhibition is a journey through the memories and the creations of an artist, a transgressor, that picked up the colors and textures of his island to give uniqueness to a work that, in the background, served to defend the island.