How much the employment a dog needs in everyday life depends on various factors such as its size, the breed, his age and also physical Fitness. A rule of thumb is that an “average” four-legged friends, two and a half hours of the day. In addition to the obligatory walk round, which should not be intended only to go to the toilet, but also more leak-dogs need to have to do in bad weather something to be. Similar to how human mental workload is leading to more balance and satisfaction in domestic animals. Apart from the fact that dogs can be life-long learning something, even in her old age. What games, tips and Tricks in all areas of life to help against boredom, you can find here.

This dog toy makes for more variety

strategy game

In this game, dogs clock procedure: The Board game has two cones and indentations with hinged and sliding lids, in which treats can be hidden. On the palate get, there are different opening techniques – and the need to find out a dog once. The strategy game Trixie Dog Activity holds up, thanks to non-slip rubber feet, each blow attack, and is also suitable for the dishwasher.
Here there is the game.

sniffing the carpet

dogs have an excellent nose, hence the smell is suitable for sniffing the carpet as well: In the different compartments, loops and compartments, you can hide small Snacks or toys that need to be fulfilled according to their four-legged friends. Useful employment is especially if you are at home – then your pet has a lot to do. Since the nose job is also quite stressful, not the carpet every day.
The carpet here.

the Kong Wobbler.

There is a good reason why dogs are so able to smell, and a predator set of teeth to catch prey. Take advantage of the natural instincts of the animal and select an appropriate employment, the Sniffing as well as Chew in it. Talk to her for him to be dry looking for food in the future, not just in the bowl, but leave it to him. For example, with a KONG Wobbler that you can fill with food then your dog has to figure out independently, as he carried the food out of the toy.
The Wobbler here. to send

Retriever dummy

Rather than your dog alone in search of food, you can also actively participate in it – makes for a closer bond between humans and animals. You can use a food pouch that you fill with Wet or dry food (treats go, but should be fed only in moderation), throw it like a stick away and bring your dog to retrieve the bag, in order to encourage the hunting instinct in a playful way.
The bag there are here.

squirrel catch

Obesity is your dog a little bit, it’s not exactly conducive to deal with him with even more food. An alternative to the hunting instinct, you can also use the play instinct of the animal to deal with it. For this purpose, the squeaky squirrel made of durable plush material that is hiding just in the “tree trunk” – and then has to be of your dog fished out. You keep the game going, by hiding new squirrel.
The game here.


a Lot of dogs love it if you would drag with you to the bet. The best small ropes are Tugging suitable to Chew, Gnaw, Toss and run. Important for the dog to know the holder is, however, that this type is suitable to play only for four-legged friends that are defending neither aggressive nor their prey. Your dog must be able to accept both, if the game is finished, and you should recognize fully as a pack leader.
Here are the Set of 10

toss games

Retrieving your dog for his life to throwing games in the Free is exactly the Right thing to do, him being able to exercise. No matter whether you use a Frisbee or a Ball, attached to a rope – it is only important that the throwing toy is made of natural rubber and thus is safe for your pet. You are not a good bowler, you simply take a special throwing device for dog balls to help.
The throwing device, click here.

dog games for everyday create-your-own Fullscreen

toys, bones or treats: For dogs, there are a lot of accessories


to employ your dog at home, are primarily search games: you will need to lock your pet in a different room, for example, his favorite toy or a bit of dry hide food in the apartment – then let your dog search for it. He doesn’t understand initially what you want from him, you have to assist him in the search a little and animate, to sniff out his reward. He has the hang of it, he offers every Time how wild it. Because this Exercise requires a good nose, a little bit of skill and patience.

A further possibility is to provide the patience and obedience of your dog on the exam, offers the Cup game. For this you need three ordinary mugs, they line up side by side in front of your dog. Then, place a treat (for example, liver sausage out of the Tube) under one of three cups and start in front of the eyes of your pet, to change the order of the Cup on several occasions. After that, you are asking your dog to find the treat and to touch with his nose to the Cup under which he presumed to be his reward. He does his job well and correctly, he gets the treat.

Or you can use ordinary household items to create a kind of obstacle course for your dog. You, for example, a couple of water bottles in a row, and your four – legged friend in the Slalom this Exercise, you will repeat until your dog has the hang of it. Alternatively, you can also use a hullahub tyre, to bring your four-legged friend to jump through. Learning new Tricks is a good employment option for dogs, because you are using both your body and your spirit have to make the effort.

employment in the Outdoors: fun for both human and animal Fullscreen

dogs need a job: the toy is a tried and tested means of


the Short walks are for most dog owners everyday life: turn several times a day the same round with your four-legged friend, so he his Notdurft to perform, and the legs can be represented. The on duration is, however, tedious to humans and animals. In order to integrate more excitement, fun, and games to walking the dog, you can make your common trips individually: Explore new environments, invent new games, train new pieces of art Outdoors or try a new dog sport (e.g., Agility, Canicross or Flyball). The more variety you incorporate into the everyday life of your dog, the more exuberant and under-utilized he is, at the end of the day. And that’s exactly what it is but what have dog owners: to have a happy and satisfied dog.

Why rest breaks

are just as important to Challenge your dog, but they don’t overwhelm him because he needs to be at least as many periods of rest, such as employment opportunities. Since four-legged animals, need much more sleep than people, you should treat your pet in the morning and in the afternoon a break. This is for all the races is important, even if you have a very active and intelligent dog (for example, Australian Shepherd, Jack Russell Terrier, or Golden Retriever), it is difficult to come to a rest. In which case, you should find a quiet place where your pet an undisturbed recovery.

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